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"he was just... so close to getting me. i could feel his presence and if it wasn't for alex i would've been... been..."

"it's okay, [y/n]. take a deep breath and relax." the therapist said, her voice soothing as it stayed in a monotone melody.

"i'm just so nervous that he's still out there and that he's going to find me and try again and maybe this time he'll succeed. i don't know what to do, how do i stop this??"

"you've been prescribed auro-setraline, right?"

you nodded. "we're picking them up tonight from the pharmacy."

"it'll help. it's short-term, so you won't need to take them for a long time, but they'll help, trust me. for now just do the breathing exercises we discussed of you feel as though you're anxious or you're too paranoid."

you nodded again and checked your watch, getting up. she did too and walked with you to the door of her office.

"thank you dr lulao, see you again next week."

she offered a smile as you walked away, closing the door behind you.


you couldn't help but roll the pill bottle around in your palms as you sat with your mum in the car.

"[y/n]," your mum warned, "put the bottle back in the bag before you accidently open it and cause them to go flying."

"but isn't that what child-locks are for? so that they don't open easy??"

she shot you a look and you begrudgingly complied. you rolled your gaze to the window and watched as darkness settled upon the area. streetlamps and other cars provided the small sources of light and you couldn't believe it was only six o'clock. darkness came so fast nowadays.

finally you were home, takeout tucked safely under your mother's arm as you two walked into the house to be greeted by your stepdad.

instead of eating dinner with them in the living room you took your meal into your room with you, as well as your pills. you set them on your nightstand, then grabbed your laptop and started up [netflix/youtube].

even with the background noise your mind couldn't help but drift off into its own plane of thought.

"i'm happy things are looking up."


auro-setraline ; short term management for anxiety

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