library 'date'

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in this one, they're in high school and it mentions ASL and its accurate bc I'm in classes ooo, that's why I haven't been posting much lol sry:)

Christian's POV 

"Where are you taking me?" I laugh as I'm being pulled by my best friend into his car. "Stop asking questions, you'll see soon enough!" Mitchel says. I sigh. "Got your backpack?" He asks starting the car.  I nod, rolling my eyes and poking his cheek. "Good." He huffs and starts to drive. We drive for some time and then I put on some music because I hate the silence. "Where are we going?" I say, not recognizing the route he's taking. He turns his head to me and give me this dead-ass look. Then he pretends to zip his mouth shut. I smirk and turn my head away from him.

After what seems like ages we arrive to our mystery destination. "The Library?" I ask, in disbelief. He nods smiling. "I haven't been to a library in years." I say. "I know, just look at your grades." He sasses. I hit his shoulder laughing. "No, really though, I have a plan and before you whine and groan, you're going to listen to me." He says turning to face me. I nod.

"So we're going to study a bit in the study section and then, we're going to get your favorite dinner and then go to that movie we've been wanting to see." He explains. "So to have all that fun, we have to study first?" I ask. "That's the condition." He nods, smiling cheesy. I huff and smile. "Alright then." I say. He smiles and hands me my bag.

I snatch it from him, pouting and pretending to be angry. I mean, I can't be angry. It's true that I need to study and god knows I won't do it unless I'm forced to, so bless Mitchel. We exit the car and head inside. I instantly lower my voice so we don't get in trouble. 

He takes my hand and leads us to a private booth table thing in the corner of the large spacious study room. I try not to blush when he wraps his fingers around mine. We sit and pull out our note books. "So what are we studying, Professor?" I whisper. "Well faithful student, I'll let you choose. Chemistry or sign language?" He whispers. "Hmmmm, what a choice." I smirk. "I'll take ASL." I smile softly. "Wonderful choice." He says, pulling out a sheet of paper. 

"So we have our test on chapter 5 ASL on Monday so we should review." He says. "Alright, alright." I mutter. "Sign 'nice to meet you' ". He says. I pause and then begin. I make my hands brush each other, then two fingers upward to meet each other and then point to Mitchel. "Correct!" He giggles. "Alright, sign good." I ask.

He takes one hand to his mouth, touching fingers to lips and then hits that hand with his other hand softly. "Exactly!" I smile. We go back and forth for several terms. 

"Sign for me, kiss." Mitchel asks me, looking at me. "Kiss? We haven't learned that one?" I look at the sheet. "I know, I thought I might teach it to you." I turn. "I think it's like this." Mitchel says and then leans forward. What. His lips gently meet mine and I immediately kiss back. He puts his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and then smiles.

"I don't think that was correct, Professor." I whisper, out of breath. "Oh really? Well then you'll have to show me one day." He says softly. I smirk and kiss his once more, just incase this was a spur of the moment because I really do like him. He's my best mate and I've liked him for awhile, he just never knew it. 

"Alright, now back to studying." Mitchel says, picking up a book. "Wait, no." I pout. He tilts his head, boops my nose and hands me a book. I grab it. "Was that the plan? To be a cheesy bitch, kiss me and then pretend nothing happened?" I whisper shout. "No, no. Later on I was planning on asking you to be my boyfriend through ASL, but you're an impatient one." He says, flipping through the textbook. My hands start to sweat. "Boyfriend?" I almost stutter.

"Yeah." He says softly, looking at me. He picks up my hand. "Would you want to? Be my boyfriend?" He whispers. I'm blushing at this point, even though I hate blushing. "Yes. I want to be your boyfriend." I manage to stay. He smiles widely and I'm blushing even more. "Come here you dumbass." I whisper, leaning in to give him a small kiss.

"But I'm your dumbass." He whispers against my lips. "Always have been, always will be." I say. He giggles. He's too perfect. And he's now mine. Finally. No more 'other people'. Mine. Although, he did do everything and I just got to sit back. But I don't care. We're together. 

"So, do we have to study anymore? It's like 4:30." I say, looking at my phone. He sighs dramatically. "I suppose we can head to dinner." He says full of exasperation. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. "Thank you bub." I say, kissing his hair. "Let's go!" I jump up and drag him with me. "Off to the best dinner in the whole fucking world." I say, grabbing our stuff. "Yes, love. And then THE MOVIEE!" He whisper-yells. "Oh shit, you're right." I forget and whisper back. He grabs my hand and walks us out. Today wasn't too awful, I just have to trust my Mitty. I think I can do that. 

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