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aye u ready for tour????? !! also it's a chapter lmao 🖤🖤🖤🖤

Christian's POV
"Babe you ready?" I hear Mitchel asking me, as I'm hooking up my electric guitar. It's our first month on tour and everything is awesome. "Hell yeah, are you?" I ask and kiss his forehead. He just kisses me as a response. I smirk and our tour manager waves us all to the stage.

We kick it off with "Like a Rockstar" and the crowd goes insane. It's such an amazing feeling to be able to do what you love and everyone else loves it too. With our new stage additions, smoke and fire and the fucking cool lights, the show is a blur of memories by the end. Mitchel and I messed around a bit on stage and the fans had a blessed heart attack screeching 'manthony' in high volumes. 

We caught a few fans at the end of the show and took some cute pictures with them. They were so happy and if always makes my heart swell. Mitty took my hand in his for one of the photos and the girl was on high alert blushing and squealing.

I'm not sure why but letting the fans see Mitchel and I be ourselves always makes them so happy. So I don't see the problem in indulging them in a few gay moments here and there.

On our way back to the hotel we were staying at, we took a few hits just to take off the edge of sleep. I watched out the window as the lights of the city spilled into eachother as rain hit the glass. I love traveling.

"Baby, you alright?" Mitty asked softly,  leaning his head on my shoulder. I nodded. "I just love cities in the rain". I replied. He giggled. "You're so adorable." He smiled and kissed my cheek. Thankfully it's dark out, because I'm blushing.

We pulled into our hotel and Mitchel ran outside like a lightning bolt. Of course, to open my door. Yeah, safe to say that I love him. I step out and thank him. He takes my hand and lead me to our room. We parted ways with the rest of the band (and Clinton too) and said our good nights.

I clicked the card to open the door and I pulled it open. The sound of the beep of the door with the silent hotel hallway is calming almost. You can still hear the tip taps of the rain on the roof since we are on the top floor of the hotel.

I put down my stuff on the table and Mitchel does the same. "Oh my God I'm so tired." Mitty groaned and fell on our bed. I laughed and followed, laying down next to him.

"Are we going to sleep or....." He says, his eyes falling to my lips. "Something else?" He says under his breath. I close the gap between us and kiss him roughly. He pulls me closer and I deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around him and he runs his fingers through my hair. He breaks away from the kiss much to soon for my liking but I suppose air is a thing.

"What's wrong, love?" I say breathlessly, looking at his disappointed face. "Clinton is next door." He says almost laughing. "By why not? It wouldn't be the first time" I whine. But he just gave me this look, like 'please don't make this awkward for us tomorrow'. I sigh and give in. "Alright, I suppose cuddles will just have to do." I say.  "Thank you bub." He says and shifts so that were both laying in the bed, me on his chest.

I flick on the TV and some old American sitcom is on. We decide to watch it and turn our focus to that. I look up at my boyfriend and pull on his braids. I take out the elastics and undo his hair. He just smiles softly as I reach in front of him. His hair falls into soft waves and I lay back down satisfied.

After ages of laughing at the stupidity of the show and time gradually growing, Mitchel let's out a loud groan. I shoot up from my daze from the sound and ask what's wrong. "We have to get changed into our pajamas." He whines. And then, I bust out laughing. Mitchel's confused but then starts laughing with me.

"That's it?" I say between laughs. He looks down giggling at himself and nods. "Babe, we can get dressed and then come right back to this. I promise." I say and start to get up. I pull of my shirt and grab a clean on. "Well now your shirtless, it's up for discussion." He smirks and pulls of his shirt too. I wink and we change into our comfortable clothes. Then, like promised, straight back to cuddles.

This must be what heaven feels like. My boy, a soft bed and reruns on TV. We're both so delerious from sleep and despite having to get up in 6 hours, I wouldn't change it for the world.

"I love you." Mitchel says, kissing my forehead. "I love you too. So much." I say. He smiles and before we get into a  bicker fight about who loves eachother more, I just close my eyes. "Sweet dreams love." I mumble. "Good night." He kisses my jaw and just one time, I opened my eyes. I kiss him, hard and quick, and then go back to rest. I can basically hear him smile and we drift off to sleep, together.

manthony one shots// chase atlanticWhere stories live. Discover now