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this one is so fluffy I might be sick :))))

Mitchel's POV 

"Well today's cancelled." Christian stomps into our hotel room. We're on tour right now and we've stopped in a quiet little town somewhere in Australia that I didn't even know existed. "Wait why?" I ask. "It is pouring  outside." He responds, looking out the window. "Oh no!" I pout.

We were planning on going on a hike through a nature trail together but I suppose we can't do that anymore, because of frickin rain. "God, that sucks" I add. 

"I know, but we can still have fun." He says, closing the blinds over. "Promise?" I pout like a kid. I really wanted to go look at the pretty trees with Christian. "Promise." He says, kissing my forehead. 

"So what can we do, while trapped inside." I ask out loud. "Well, we can make a fort like we used to." He declares. "In our hotel?" I laugh. "Why the hell not?" He laughs. "Alright." I agree. "Okay, starting positions." He says, standing up. I step up and do a salute symbol. "Okay, blankets, clips, snacks, and pillows." He says, sending me off to start collecting. 

An hour later of fails and laughs, we've finally made a 'fort'. Well its more like a massive canopy surrounding our beds. There's a sea of pillows everywhere and we've got blankets and sheets surrounding every section of space. We're closed off from the world in our own little bubble. 

Christian set up his laptop between us and he's setting up Netflix. "This is perfect." I announce. "It really is." He says. He leans back on the bed and motions for me to come to him. I smile and lay next to him. I put my head on his chest and he's got a strong grasp around me.

I haven't felt this safe in a long time. "Spongebob?" I ask. "Alright love." He agrees and presses play. The theme song starts playing and I start singing along. "ARE YA READY KIDS?" I screech obnoxiously, but Kras shuts me up with his hand on my mouth. "Shhh, you're going to scare the other guests." He laughs. I lick his hand and he whips it away from me laughing. "WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA?" I keep singing. He sighs and jumps in, "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!" We sing along like idiots and settle in for some episodes. Well 'some' turned into hours and before we knew it, it was 4pm. 

"Shit, Kras, it's 4pm, we forgot lunch." I say. "Oh shit, alright, I'll call room service." He says reaching for the phone. "But what about the fort? Won't they say something?" I ask concerned. I don't want to have to take it down yet. "They won't make us get rid of it. If anything, it's odd but I'm cool with being the 'weird band with the forts and drugs' if you are." He says dialing the number. I kiss him in response.

"Hello this is room service, may I help you?" The lady says on the speaker phone. We break apart immediately, laughing. "Hi, um, yes, we'd like to order pizza?" Christian says, because I'm still laughing. He throws a pillow at me. I bury my face in it, giggling quietly. He hangs up after a minute. 

"You, Mr. Cave, have got to stop that!" He says jokingly mad. He grab ahold of the back of my neck and then slowly pulls me closer. "I'm sorry Mr. Anthony, I can't help it." I say innocently. "Then, we'll have to do something about that, won't we?" He says before kissing me roughly. I kiss back and he pulls me on to the bed. He moves to my neck and starts leaving trails of kisses. I take a shallow breathe and I move even closer to him if that's possible. We're kissing and pulling and marking when the door swings open. I gasp and we break apart.

"What the fuck is all this?" I hear a familiar voice say. "Clinton." I whisper. Shit. I move far away from Christian and he fixes his shirt. "We're here." I say, my voice cracking. I look to Kras whose trying not to laugh. Clinton pulls open the sheet to enter our bubble.

"You haven't made one of these in ages." Clinton says getting comfy. "Well we did, what's up?" I ask, not mad, just want to know why my lovely brother decided to interrupt our time.  "I saw that you ordered pizza and thought I'd bless you with my presence." He said, pulling a pillow into his lap. "How'd you find that out? Stalking us, are you?" Christian asks.

"As much as you like to think, no, quite frankly you both aren't that interesting, but no, remember are rooms are connected? I got a message on the phone saying pizza would be here." He explains. I ignore the comment and nod. "Cool, alright." Christian says.

"So what have you two been up to?" Clinton asks. I bit my lip to not smile and say, "Nothing." 

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