disney world part 2

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buckle up buttercups for the fluff. even I was choking on the fluff half way through, so maybe a break from fluff after this lmao 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

Mitchel's POV

"Bitch we're here!!!!!" Jesse said running ahead of us, as we approached the entrance of The Magic Kingdom. The bus ride here was a little wacky because the driver didn't know how the fuck to drive that big of a vehicle. Leta just say, there was tons of sudden stops.

I'm feeling pretty happy, surprisingly. I usually don't do this happy magic shit but the hotel is nice, I've got my beautiful boyfriend on my arm and the weather is beautiful. I noticed Christian's face light up each time he saw the castle from the entrance. He's going to be the cutest thing when he sees it in full view. I swear, this trip is going to kill me. Of cuteness, Jesus Christ calm down.

"Baby we're here!" Christian said softly to me. He had this wide smile on his face and I kissed his cheek because why not.

"Welcome! Tap your magicband here!" The peppy cast member said as we approached the entrance. There was this metal stand with a mickey mouse symbol so I'm assuming we tap it on him? Geez, they really go for the mickey overkill here.

Clinton and Jesse went first, which is good because I had to learn how to use the machine. I finally figured it out and we we're let in the park. We walked in through the gate and turned a corner to see the beautiful castle. Christian was moving excitedly and his smile could win a million dollars.

We walked down Main Street USA and I decided to stop to surprise Christian. "Can we get a picture in front of the castle?" I asked him, watching him smile again. "Of course!" He said, finding one of the professional photographers lined up. We took several photos, one of us smiling, one kissing, one doing rock symbols, you know the usual.

"Hey guys, Jesse and I are going to Tommorowland, meet back here at lunch?" Clinton asked me. "Sure, I think I'm gonna spoil Christian a bit and then we'll go on some stuff. Meet back here bro." I said. They left and then it was my prince and I.

"Okay so here's the deal. If I got us both mickey ears, would you wear them? Because I don't want to look silly alone." I asked him, leading him to one of the thousands of gift shops. "I was hoping you would do that." He smiled and yanked on my arm to find some ears.

We came across this huge wall of ears and Jesus, there were a lot of choices of mickey ears. Like, surely no one could use that many mickey ears? We bought two pairs each. We got matching LGBTQ pride mickey ears and then a pair individual to our taste.

I got a spooky pair of 'Haunted Mansion' themed ears because of the skulls, obviously. Christian got a pair of Maleficent themed ones that were lime green and evil purple. They were pretty cute, but even cuter once they were on him.

"Okay so mickey ears, check. Next, rides!" He said, looking at a map. "Well there's Splash Mountain, or Pirates of the Caribbean?" I named some rides. "Splash Mountain sounds fun, but maybe let's wait till it's super hot for that?" He asked. "Sure, Pirates it is!" I said, taking his hand and leading him out of the store.

We began the walk to Adventure land to find the Pirates ride when we came across Captain Jack Sparrow himself, hanging out in front of Tortuga Tavern.

Christian was giddy because he absolutely loves all things Pirates. We decided that he was definitely worth waiting in line to meet, so we met him.

After playing around in Adventureland, we headed to Fantasyland. This particular land was bursting with color and life, it was the place to be a kid for awhile.

"Ooh! Look, there's a Peter pan ride!" Christian exclaimed pointing at the queue of the ride. It was called Peter Pan's Flight and luckily the line wasn't too terribly long. We hoped in line and played an app Disney designed for waiting in lines. It was kind of like Pokemon Go a little bit, because you would go chase Disney characters that related to the ride you were waiting on. Not going to lie, it was pretty fun.

Dinner came around when Christian pulled me aside onto a bench. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "Nothing, I just wanted to sit here and view Ariel's Castle." He said pointing to another castle. I nodded and went to reach for my phone, when I noticed a cast member in front of us.

"Mr. Cave and Mr. Anthony?" She asked. "uH, yeah?" I responded, throughly confused. by Royal decree you have been invited to Belle's castle for a special dinner. Follow me, everyone is waiting!" She smiled and handed us a key. "What's this for?" I asked. "You'll see." She said and winked.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Christian beaming and blushing as we stood up. "Did you do something?" I questioned him, kissing his hand. "Perhaps?" He smiled. I just shook my head and followed the ~magical path~.

The cast member took us to a big brown door with a key hole. "Use your special key to be welcomed into palace." She said. I looked over to my love, and he was just giddy with excitement. He was just too cute. I slid in the key and the door opened up to a big table with all of the band sat around the table. "Wicked." I muttered.

"Now have a seat. In a few minutes, we have a very spectacular surprise for the Cave brothers." The cast member said and then disappeared behind the brown door again.

"How mysterious." Christian said and then pulled me to sit down. I sat between Clinton and Christian because they're my two favorite people in the room. I decided to go for some salad that they had on the table and tossed a bread stick to Christian, since they're one of his favorites.

"What did you do, love?" I giggled.  "I only did one thing, I'm not sure what all this is." He said, adjusting one of my braids. I hummed and kissed his forehead.

"Attention all, can we have the Cave brothers to the beasts wing." A voice said over a intercom. Confused, I looked to Clinton, who was standing up, eager to see what was going on. I followed him and everyone else followed me. I grabbed Christian and we rushed out to the "beast's wing".

There was a line up of cast members leading up to the magic rose case. They told us to come to the rose and stand. "Now I know this is cheesy, but make a wish and see what happens." A male, tough looking cast member said. I could help but laugh at the cliche feel of this. But I did it anyways because it's Disney world.

And like magic, the wish came true.

"Mum?" I heard Clinton say. I whipped around and saw my whole family, including our dog, here, in Disney World. My mum, dad, dog, and my extended family were all here. Christian was in awe and confused, so I'm guessing he didn't do this.

Then, for extra fun, my favorite character, The Beast, showed up. He came on over to us for photos and hugs. This must of been Christian's surprise because he was a grinning and squealing and having a grand old time.

"Oh my fuckin God." I laughed and ran over to my mum to give her a big hug. I've honestly missed them so much since we've been on your. Yes, I'm aware that I'm an adult and adults don't miss their parents a ton, but I miss them, so fuck off.

The cast members clapped and  cheered and lead us back to table for a special dinner. "Thank you." I whispered to Christian. "I had no idea that your family was coming, I just arranged a visit with the Beast. I guess it must of been that lovely girl I talked to when making the reservation. I had mentioned that you'd been missing your family and that I wanted to cheer you up with a visit." He explained to me. "Disney magic, huh?" I smiled. "Yes! Now you believe in the magic, don't you?" He giggled. "Hmm, yes I do." I said and kissed him.

Soon enough, the day turned into night and the entire park was lit up in lights and sounds.
The castle was bustling with people and kids and everyone was getting ready for the firework show. I had read earlier that it is pretty awesome so I knew I had to get us a good view. I dragged Christian with me as I looked for a good spot when we found one by a fountain on Main Street. It was a secluded spot away from the craziness so Christian loved it.

The daily firework show began called "Happily Ever After" and the fireworks danced to the music. The sounds, the visuals, the magic, it was spectacular.

I felt Christian lean his head on my shoulder. He was looking up at me and I looked at him. He was giving me this look, this look of just...I don't know. As if it was saying, 'You're my world'.

"I love you." I said honestly, lost in his eyes. "I love you too." He said and then gave me a deep kiss. And there we were. Kissing as the finale of fireworks went on overhead. Like a cliche couple. But you know? Fuck it. I love him. He loves me.

This truly was a magical trip.

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