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this one is super super short and it breaks the fourth wall completely but like I had nightmare of the boys finding this book n so i wrote this to make me feel better lmaoooo

Mitchel's POV
"Bro what the fuck?" I groaned as I was hit by a pillow. I heard Christian laughing severely and not breathing. "Christian calm down. You're doing it again." I hit him. "I-I'm sorry. But you have to read this." He laughed and shoved his phone at me.

I blinked a few times and groaned, trying to find my glasses. I put them on and took the phone from him. There was a orange app pulled up with a bunch of words on it.

"What even is this?" I asked him. "Shhh! Just read!" He snickered. I rolled my eyes and read. It was a book? About me and Christian? Cuddling?

"What. The. Fuck?" I asked. "It's called 'fanfiction'. It's where our fans write books themed around us and our relationship." He was smiling and trying not to laugh. But then I was laughing.

"No, actually. What the fuck?" I chuckled. He just shook his head and leaned into my lap. "I mean some of it is cute and all, but some is just ridiculous and hilarious." He said, a bit calmer now and scrolled to a different chapter.

The book was called "manthony one shots" and I was fucking rolling at the end of the book.

It was so wild to even think that people actually take the time out of their life to stop and write make believe stories about my boyfriend and I. Some of it was really well written and some just total stupidity. But either way I loved that our fans care so much about us.

"Well at least it's a creative outlet for our fans, instead of, ya know, drugs." Christian said, leaning back on to our bed. "True, I'd rather them write weird ass books about us." I laugh, kissing his forehead. He smiled and layed down on my chest.

"Well it is pretty cute, and makes me think about how much I love you." He says all cute and his voice all childish. "Yes, boo. It is cute." I say. He kisses me and then shuts his eyes.

"Now can I finally go back to sleep?" I ask, snickering. He simply nods, already falling asleep on me. I smile at how adorable he is and shut my eyes, allowing myself to drift off.

manthony one shots// chase atlanticWhere stories live. Discover now