say yes

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hey guys lol sry i haven't had much motivation/topics/time to write so here's a crappy chapter but summer is soon so hopefully i will be more ready to write. love ya :)

Christian's POV
I awoke to a note on my lap. Confused and dazed, I sat up in my bed. The blinds were open and the sunlight was streaming through into my room. The bed was empty, Mitchel gone. That was odd. I picked up the note to read it.
"Morning Baby! I know that you're confused and wondering where I am, but soon you will find out. I'm not gonna send you on a long scavenger hunt but I am making you go to 2 places. Ask Jesse for the locations and I will see you soon. I love you boo." It read.

I smiled instantly at his letter and started to ponder where on earth I would be going and why? I shrugged and began to head down the stairs to the kitchen. I rounded the corner and saw a plate of muffins and cookies from our favorite bakery in town. I couldn't help but smile, again. I walked over and started to munch on a chocolate chip muffin when I saw her another note.

"I hope you enjoy these snacks and that you are ready for day of fun." It read.

"Morning Christian. I'm supposed to give you this note." I heard Jesse say. I eagerly accepted it and begin to read it. It listed two locations where I'm assuming I was supposed to go.

It said to go to our costume/ makeup artist of the band and then to go to our beach. Not literally our beach but it was our beach. It was where Mitchel and I spent many nights looking at the water and the stars. It was our secret spot to just be.

"Alright man, cool to see you and all bud, but I gotta go." I told Jesse trying not to be super excited. He was smiling like a kid and nodded fast. I booked it up the stairs and ran to quickly change into regular day clothes.

I put on some music, got dressed, fixed my hair a bit and ran back out. I was so confused and excited and lost and nervous. What the hell was going on?

I sped to our artist's (Kate) house, of course obeying the speed limit. Well sort of. I pulled into her house and tried to calm down a smidge. I straightened out my clothes and ran my fingers through my hair. I knocked on the door and waited. In a flash, she had me inside and began to get me ready.

We gossipped and talked about the day and what was going on. I was just so excited. She had me ready in 15 minutes and then sent me on my way to our beach.

I parked my car away from the crowds and headed to our spot where we always chilled. And that's where I saw him. With a blanket, snacks, wine and pillows. I immediately started to speed walk to him, smiling like an idiot.

The beach was pretty empty and, at least on this side, we were on the only ones there. "Hey love." He smiled when I reached him. He eagerly kissed me and I kissed back, missing him since he had disappeared this morning. "What is this? What's going on?" I asked, sitting down. "Well I thought we would have a nice day on the beach with our favorite foods and a good wine. Nothing special." He said, pulling out some wine glasses.

"So really nothing special?" I asked, not believing him. He shook his head and started to pour some wine. I hummed and took a glass.

After an hour or so, the sun was at it's highest and the water was at it's bluest. Since it was getting warm and the water looked so nice, we decided to take a swim. I decided to be childish and start a splash fight, which ended up in me getting slam dunked into the water.

"Babe!" I whined. "Babe!!!!" His voice all high and mocking me jokingly. I gave him a blank face and then dunked him in the water.

We got out as sun started to set and dried off. I hadn't really realized that the end was ending so quick but the now pink sky proved the day was ending. I sighed in content as I payed against my boyfriend and he kissed my forehead.

"Baby, I have to get up." He said softly, looking at his phone and I pouted. He kissed my pout so I supposed he could get up. "Woah! Look over there! That's a huge rabbit!" He exclaimed. "Where? Where?" I said, scrambling to get up as well. "I can't find it!" I said, throughly confused. I turned around to ask Mitchel where he had saw it but instead, I saw my beautiful man, down on one knee, with a ring.

I couldn't breathe. My eyes immediately started to well up and I couldn't stop it. "Christian Anthony, you are the most beautiful, important, caring, talented, handsome, strong, loving person I've ever met and I've know since the day I met you that I planned on marrying you. We were young and life was so uncertain, but I knew as long as I had you, I'd be alright. I intend on spending every second with you and growing old and singing songs on the guitar by the fire to our grandkids, as long as you let me. I love you with everything I am and everything I will become. So will you do me the honor of marrying me and letting me love you forever." He said.

By the end of his speech, I was full on sobbing of joy and couldn't really speak so I just nodded by head. I nodded my head so quickly and feverishly I thought I might of gotten whiplash. He slid the beautiful, simple diamond ring on my finger and then I attacked him in a kiss.

He held on to me and picked me up. We spun around on our beach at sunset and I was in heaven.

I knew this day would come, eventually. Where I would have to choose to be with him for life. And all I would have to do is say yes.

And I did.

uwu im dying of fluff over here

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