Chapter 6 Seokjins Story

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Seokjins POV

Seokjin sat in a chair on the other side of Namjoons desk with Yoongi sitting in the chair next to his. Namjoons desk was nicely decorated. The computer in the corner and an assortment of toys and other belongings. It was bright and filled with fun, contradictory to how he actually is.

Seokjin and Yoongi anxiously waited for Namjoon to finish whatever he was doing. When he calls them to his office it's either really good, really bad, or just a simple check-up to see how things are going. Seokjin would always pray to whatever or whoever is up there that it's not bad.


Namjoon said finishing what he was doing and looking directly at him.

"Yes sir?"

Yoongi nervously replied.

"Do you have the money?"

"Yes sir."

He grabbed the black backpack he carried in with him and pulled out a fat stack of cash. He placed it on the desk.

"It's about three hundred dollars, sir."

"Three hundred?"

Namjoon asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes sir."

Namjoon shakes his disapprovingly.

"First you don't have the money for Seokjin and now all you give me is this?"

Yoongi lowered his head, blood flushing his cheeks.

"I'm disappointed, but nevertheless, thank you for the small loan."

Namjoon cleared his throat.


Seokjins nervousness increased as the spotlight was now placed on him.

"How are things going?"

"Good sir, Taehyung has recruited Jungkook and Yoongi is in the process of recruiting Jimin."

"Which is going good I presume?"

Namjoon asked.

"Yes sir."

Yoongi replied.

"Do you know the location of your subject Yoongi?"

"Yes I do. He is still in his hometown. I even got the chance to meet him and earn his trust, or at least I hope."

"Good, I expect him to be in here soon."

"One thing sir."


"Jimin seems to be acting... strange."

"How so?"

"He claims to be visiting family although the town he's in is his hometown. He also didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned a memorial that had been there since before he was born."


"The things is sir is that I'm not trying to place blame on anyone but I called Taehyung once I was assigned to him and he seemed very hesitant to give me information on Jimin. Knowing that Jimin was around when Taehyung took Jungkook I feel like he might have something to do with his strange behavior."

"Hmm. That's very suspicious. I'll have a talk with Taehyung. Thank you for informing me."

Namjoon types some things into the computer.

"All right, that ends our discussion. I hope to see you two again."

Seokjin and Yoongi got up from their seats and walked toward the door. As Seokjin has about to leave he heard Namjoon call him.


He stopped and turned around.

"Yes sir?"

"Can you stay for a little bit?"

"Uuh yeah."

He sat down. Seokjin didn't like Namjoon asking him to stay. He made Seokjin very nervous. He was the only person who could. It was nothing in particular that made him feel this way. It was just his vibe, there was something about him that just shook him to the core.

Namjoon has never asked Yoongi to stay after a meeting. Seokjin was the favorite. Both of them knew that. Yoongi didn't really seem to care. Seokjin could tell that he wasn't a big fan of Namjoon either. Seokjin didn't like being the favorite. He hated being alone with Namjoon. It made him feel almost...scared. Namjoon flashed a smile.

"Would you like a drink?"

No, he didn't want one but turning down a drink from Namjoon is asking for death.

"Yes, I would."

He smiled again then pressed the button on a microphone sitting on the desk.

"Hyunsoo, bring in some tea please."

They sat in awkward silence as they waited for the drinks. Namjoon didn't say anything and Seokjin didn't dare start the conversation. Then finally, the servant came in with the drinks. He set one down next to Seokjin then gave one to Namjoon. Namjoon took a sip then slightly raised up the mug as if making a toast. Seokjin did the same and reluctantly took a sip.

He instantly felt a drastic change inside him. He leaned back in his chair. Life was coming back to him. He was opening a third eye. He felt like he was on drugs. Good drugs. He was no longer scared of Namjoon. He wanted to follow him in his plan. He wanted to do what he was instructed. He wanted to take the world head on. He was alert, ready, awake, he felt like himself again. Namjoon smirked and Seokjin smirked right back at him.

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