Chapter 10 Jungkooks Story pt. 3

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One year later

Jungkook has gone through the same routine everyday for the past year. He has surly learned a lot and gotten in fairly good shape but he's getting quite bored. It was the same thing every day. Learn, train, learn, train. Anyone would get tired of this schedule at some point.

Over the months Jungkook had grown incredibly homesick. He missed his family and mostly he missed Jimin. He was really close to him and he didn't know when he'd see him again.

Jungkook had just returned to his bedroom after an extensive exercise with Jaehwa. The man really knew how to work him. Although the has a good teacher and trainer, he wasn't one for conversing. He rarely talks to Jungkook outside of training. It was hard to get to know him.

Jungkook opened the drawer to take out his pajamas. This nights pajamas were different from his regular silk ones. It was a long sleeve white shirt, white sweatpants and white socks. On top of them there was a note:

Wearing all parts of this sleep attire is required.

Jungkook was confused as to why he was required to wear these strange pajamas. He decided to not fight it and just wear them. Jungkook grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. He took a brief shower to rise off from the workout. Once he walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror.
He admired his physique.

He looked much different from when he first came to whatever the hell this place is. He'd gotten a lot taller and buffer. His abs were defined and his shoulders were much broader. He wasn't that small and scrawny kid anymore.

Jungkook had lost track of time a long time ago but he was sure around a year had passed and he'd reached his sixteenth birthday at some point.

Jungkook took off his towel and put on the clothes. He did his daily night routine of brushing his hair and teeth and shaving. During all of this, something inside of him felt there was something off. His intuition was telling him something but he didn't know what. Jungkook turned off the lights and climbed into bed.

Jungkook woke with a start. It took his a second to realize that he was not in the room he'd fallen asleep in. The room was purely white. He couldn't see anything but white. He tried to look around to see any other color only to realize that he was bound.

There were cuffs that pinned his hands and feet to a table. He tried to move the rest of his body was bound as well. He couldn't move at all he was stuck in this horrid white room and he couldn't move no matter how much he wanted.

He tried to look down at his body but it was all white. He even had a white mask on that also gagged him. He struggled against the cuffs trying anything to move. He continued struggling feeling like he was losing his sanity.

He hated these people for doing this to him. Why? Why did they have to make him suffer? He felt the tears form and fall from his eyes. He just wanted to go home. He missed his family. He missed Jimin. He started sobbing.

One month later

Jungkook had been in this room for a month. He has slowly been losing his sanity. He couldn't see any color besides white and he was bound to the table. He had panic attacks and mental breakdown everyday and no one would ever come in to help him they would just let him suffer.

Jungkook suddenly heard the door open. He expected the woman who come in here to feed him who of course wears white but instead, he sees a young handsome man. He was wearing a color that wasn't white. Jungkook was so relieved that an outside world existed and there was another color besides white. The man looked like he was on the look out and in a rush. He walked toward him.

"My name is Min Yoongi. I'm here to rescue you."

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