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Mayanshi witnessed the proceedings at the courtroom, sitting in the front line of viewing gallery reserved for the royal ladies of Virata empire. The usually cheerful faces of the courtiers looked gloomy. From the lacklustre decorations of the palace, to the sombre colours worn by the subjects, everything implied that the empire had lost its former glory. 

Despite being very young, the six-year-old princess could understand that everyone was mourning. Yet, she could not understand why minister Vasishtha was allowed to sit on her father's throne. Though she did not receive formal education, she was aware that only the ruler was allowed to ascend the throne. 

She wondered whether it meant that minister Vasishtha was their new king. "But father said I am to become the next ruler." She spoke in a low voice which was unheard by those next to her. 

New king Vasishtha started making his speech, most of which sounded like gibberish to Mayanshi. Though she had been taught by her father to pay attention to everything that happened in the court, today she felt her interest waning. She wanted nothing more than to go back to her bed chambers and embrace her doll. 

It had only been two weeks since her father's demise. She tried with all her might to accept the fact and move on. Yet she felt she would never be happy again. She lowered her head and started playing with her bangles, disregarding the king's speech. She raised her head only when everyone stood up. The king was walking out of the hall with his wife, Vaishali Devi, the new queen.

For some reason, Mayanshi disliked the new royal couple of Virata.


"The law decrees that, if the legal heir to the throne has not come of age, and if no one else from the royal family is eligible to rule, then the minister is crowned the king. Hence, Maharaja Raghuveera, I fail to understand the reason for your disapproval. Everything that happened has been according to the constitution of Virata empire." The royal priest of Virata, Pandit Susharma, tried to defend the coronation of Vasishtha.

Raghuveera, the king of Srimukha empire, was the maternal uncle of princess Mayanshi. He played a key role in marrying off his sister, late Queen Kaushiki, to King Mahadeva, thus ending the rivalry between the two powerful empires. 

Though the reasons for their marriage were purely political, Kaushiki and Mahadeva formed a great bond of love and respect. The empire prospered in their reign. They always maintained good ties with the neighbours of their land. Especially Srimukha.

Nine peaceful years later, it seemed to Raghuveera that the rivalry was going to get reinstated due to the issue of Mayanshi's inheritance. "I am very well aware of the law, Pandit Susharma. That is not what I am here to discuss."

"Maharaja, do you feel there is someone more capable of shouldering this responsibility?" Vasishtha asked humbly. Though he now bore the crown, he was yet to learn the authoritative ways in which royals function.

"I'm sure Maharaja Raghuveera doesn't feel that way. He knows that you are only hope of our kingdom." Vaishali was quick to present her side of the argument. She knew no one would deny. Her husband helped their kingdom win the war after all.

"Given the circumstances," spoke the revered Queen of Srimukha, Maharani Bhargavi, "no one would deny that the former minister is one of the best options. But he is not the only hope."

"Apologies, Maharani. For a moment it sounded like you were about to suggest someone else's name despite not being an active part of our kingdom's administration." Vaishali smiled sweetly. It was no secret that she disliked Queen Bhargavi.

"Right you are, Vaishali." Bhargavi spoke again, refusing to address Vaishali with her title. "I'm no part of this state's politics. Nor do I have any interest in it. My only concern is the future of my niece."

"If I may ease your mind, Maharani." Vasishtha replied before his wife could speak. "Princess Mayanshi is too young to even understand what it takes to run a kingdom. An underage ruler invites threats. As someone who has the best interests of the princess at heart, I believe she should be well educated and well trained in warfare before offering her the throne. I vow to serve her like I served her father, when she comes of age."

"That, you will" said Bhargavi.

"That's not the only thing we ask for. We need you to do us another favour" said Raghuveera.

"Please name it, Maharaja." Vasishtha was ready to obey.

"Give Mayanshi to us." Raghuveera requested.

"That's impossible. She is the princess. She can't leave." Vaishali objected. She disliked the idea of Mayanshi leaving with someone like Bhargavi. 

"Leaving the princess alone in a palace with no blood relative to look after her, is equivalent to putting her in danger. She is the only living relative of my late sister-in-law. It is our duty to protect her, Vaishali." Bhargavi replied.

"Maharani! Are you trying to imply that we won't protect her?" It was Vasishtha who spoke this time. "Her safety is our priority. We appreciate your concern. But we will look after her."

"I'm glad to see your devotion. But I must point out that we are the only family she is left with. I speak both as an uncle and a father. Mayanshi will come with us. This is my final decision." Raghuveera stood up. "She will return when she is ready. I promise. And I hope you remember your promise, when she returns."

"Yes, Maharaja." Vasishtha nodded weakly.

"May your reign bring prosperity to this land." Raghuveera blessed him and walked out.


"Who are you?" Mayanshi asked the nine-year-old boy who entered the royal gardens unannounced. She sat alone, playing with her doll. The guards maintained a respectful distance from her.

"I'm Samarjit." The boy answered. "I'm here to play."

Though the rules said outsiders were not allowed in the royal gardens, Mayanshi didn't mind. "You may play here. But don't go anywhere towards the east wing."

"Mother says I can go wherever I want. This is my home now." 

"Who is your mother?" She frowned.

"Queen Vaishali Devi. And I'm the new prince of Virata." He smiled at her.

Mayanshi immediately felt immense dislike for him. She stood up. "I should leave."

"Please don't go. Who will I play with?" Samarjit tried to call her back.

"I prefer to play alone." She answered rudely and walked away, leaving her doll back in the garden. She ran into her aunt and uncle while on her way to her bed chambers.

"Shall we go, Maya?" asked Raghuveera. "Take the blessings of king Vasishtha."

She touched Vasishtha's feet. He blessed her. Vaishali embraced her. "If you ever need us, don't hesitate to send us a message. We'll be there." Mayanshi nodded curtly. 

"You are being given the responsibility of the child who is not yours. I hope you don't feel burdened, Maharani" said Vaishali. Her tone clearly implied that she distrusted Bhargavi.

"And you are being given the responsibility of an empire which was never yours. I hope you don't feel entitled." Bhargavi replied. She held her niece's hand and walked towards the horse-drawn carriage. 


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