Chapter 17 - The consort of the Queen

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"Vaishali, why do you jest, as if I am an old friend? You know very well that we are not very fond of each other." Bhargavi tried to maintain a calm demeanor.

"Maharani, it is because we loathe each other that I suggest this alternative." Vaishali gestured Dushyanta to step forward.

Dushyanta joined his palms in a formal Namaste. "Maharaja. Maharani. We do not know each other well except for the few instances when I have had the privilege of interacting with you. Hence, forgive me if I sound too bold in assuming that you would spend your precious time in listening to what I have got to say." 

"Of course, we will listen to you, son. You helped us find our daughter. Please continue." Raghuveera gave him permission.

"Maharaja. I, Dushyanta, nephew of Maharani Vaishali, ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I swear to protect her as long as live and always honour her wishes. I believe that we both will lead a blissful life together." He looked at his aunt, who nodded encouragingly. "I request you to bless the marriage." 

Abhimanyu was enraged. He opened his mouth to speak, when Bhargavi signaled him to stay calm. 

"You are good man, Dushyanta. Any girl will be fortunate to have you as her husband. But my daughter has already chosen a groom." Raghuveera spoke in an almost apologetic tone.

"That she has. But do you think she will be happy? It is a known fact that my son and your daughter don't even like each other. They consented to this wedding out of compulsion." Vaishali pointed out which was obvious to everyone. "We all know how important marriage is, to a woman. Are you willing to see your daughter live a loveless life? Please be informed that even I will not be able to help her due to our distrust in each other." She said, clearly trying to convey that Mayanshi will struggle due to her presence.


"Think about it. She will be with a man who values her. She will be loved and cherished. And above all, life will be peaceful if she stays with him, away from the capital city." Vaishali suggested.

The last part caught Bhargavi's attention. Had she been the same woman she was fifteen years ago, she would have supported Mayanshi in her quest to become the ruler. But not now. Not when she had come to regard her as a daughter. The thought of leaving her little girl alone, in the midst of enemies, frightened her. She began to consider Dushyanta as prospective groom for the princess.

Mayanshi, who was instructed not to be present while her future was being discussed, sat in the adjacent room with her ears stuck to the door, trying to eavesdrop. "How did he listen to my conversation with Sriman Ganesha? This is so difficult." She whispered to Devika.

"Who? Prince Abhimanyu?"

"No. Not Abhimanyu. The revered Prince of Virata. Samarjit."

"Really? Did he?" Devika beamed at her. "He is so interested in everything you do. He likes you so much."

"I agree with you partially. He really is interested in everything I do. Not even a day goes by without him materializing out of thin air in front of me." 

"And not a day goes by, without my princess speaking about him." 

Mayanshi rolled her eyes. Before she could deny the statement, she was summoned by her parents. They gave her the gist of the conversation they had with Vaishali. 


"And what?"

"Did you reject the offer? Please tell me you did." 

"No, we didn't. I think you should consider this offer. It sounds fair." Bhargavi advised her.

"Fair? How exactly is this fair? What does this marriage have to offer me?" Mayanshi asked indignantly.

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