Chapter 31 - Bargaining

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"Sriman Narendra, what about his men stationed throughout the city. Not even a single rebel should escape."

"Arrested, Maharani."

"And the civilians? We have to be sure they are safe. No harm can befall them."

"Our soldiers wouldn't let these cowards anywhere near the innocent people. Like you commanded, ensuring their safety has been our top priority." Narendra turned to face the handful of disarmed rebels present in the courtroom. "Awaiting your orders, Maharani."

"These are our special guests. I've made arrangements for their stay in the dungeons" said Mayanshi, receiving a loud cheer.

Narendra bowed to her and commanded his soldiers to move the prisoners.

"Now, my dear uncle, let's talk about your crimes against Virata." Mayanshi looked in the direction of Bhairava, who seethed with rage. "You attacked a village on my wedding day with the intention of stopping it. Your men murdered few innocent villagers and abducted few others, before a rescue team was dispatched to put an end to the violence. Do you deny it?"

"Wait. Does that mean it was him? He planned the attack on you at the lotus pond?" asked Vaishali.

"Yes. But that's not the point of discussion at the moment. He is responsible for the death of my people. He is responsible for creating chaos in my motherland. For that, he will pay--"

Before Mayanshi could finish the sentence, Bhairava sprang up, twisting Devika's arm from behind and pointing a dagger to her throat. "Quiet, you cold-blooded brute! You think you can thwart my plans and get away with it? You will not arrest me. Not today. Not ever." He tightened the grip on Devika's hand, who screamed. "Nobody move. Or this girl dies."

"No! Don't hurt her." Mayanshi yelled. "Release her!" She demanded in a tone full of desperation, as a drop of blood dripped from Devika's neck.

"You are not in a position to make demands. You will do as I command." Bhairava moved back, dragging Devika with him. He reached the farthest part of the hall, putting a considerable distance between him and everyone else.

"This conversation does not require discharge of weapons. Just tell us what you want us to do."

"I want my son!"

Mayanshi immediately arranged for Govardhana to be brought to the courtroom.

"But that's your bodyguard!" Vaishali exclaimed. "Is he--"

"Not now!" Mayanshi silenced her. "He is here, uncle. Now, release her."

"So that you can tie me up? I am not a fool, Maya. I want to get out of the palace."

"You will. I promise. Release her and go. We won't follow you. We won't pursue you in the future." Mayanshi's voice shook.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Please." She begged for Devika's life. "You are free to go. Just give her back to me."

"Looks like she means a lot to you. But your soldiers don't value her life. They will attack me even if I take her with me." He smirked. "So, my dearest niece, there is only one way to get out of here unharmed. You take her place."

"No. Maharani. Don't listen to him." Devika tried to wriggle free.

"Father!" Govardhana tried to intervene. But Bhairava was in no mood to listen.

Mayanshi ran forward.

"Maya, come back." Vaishali ordered the young queen. Before anyone could stop her, she reached the other end of the courtroom.

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