Chapter 32 - Family turns foe

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I will reply to the comments on previous chapter in a few days. Sorry about the delay.

Also, this chapter is short. Feeling exhausted.


"So, my brother-in-law made some decisions which involved my sister, without consulting her. My sister wished for the imprisonment of the mother-son duo, due to unearthing of old secrets. My mother, wishing to regain my sister's trust, agreed to put this plan in execution." Abhimanyu summarized the facts. 

Karthikeya nodded. The composed demeanor of the prince had the opposite effect on him. He was frightened.

"From whichever angle I view the situation, it seems like a family problem. So my question is," Abhimanyu paused to sip from his goblet, "why should Srimukha and Virata risk their recently repaired fragile relationship, because of few people's inability to run a family?"

"Yuvaraja, I am just following my orders." Karthikeya tried to defend his actions.

"Senapati. You seem to forget that orders like these must be approved in the court. Does my father, the head of the state, know about this? Were the council of ministers consulted before making this decision?"

"But the queen--"

"The order given by the queen in this regard, seems more like a personal request than an official command. Do you understand the meaning of this? You have been caught trying to harm King Samarjit, which is treason, not only against Virata, but also Srimukha. Because he is an ally." Abhimanyu straightened his ring. 

"Yuvaraja, your sister and your mother are also involved in this." Karthikeya reminded him.

Abhimanyu gave him a sly smile. "They might be. They might not be. You see, the problem here is, you are the one caught in action. There is no proof against them. Even if you scream for the whole world to hear, it is your word against theirs."

The Senapati's face turned pale as he processed the prince's words. "Yuvaraja, please forgive me. I acted foolishly."

"You did. And I hope you remember this before you do something unethical the next time." Abhimanyu stood up. "As per the law, I should have you arrested. But I don't want to draw Virata's attention to this and sever our already delicate ties with them. Hence, I command you to leave this town this instant and head back to the Srimukha court. Hurry up, before I change my mind."

Karthikeya obeyed. Abhimanyu looked at the retreating form of the mighty Senapati and shook his head in disappointment.


Govardhana stopped the chariot. The lustrous waters of the river glistened in the moonlight, attempting to capture the image of the moon. 

"Beautiful. I remember coming to this place as child" said Mayanshi, as if she were on a family trip.

"Quiet!" Bhairava led her to the boat. "Govardhana, row the boat in the north-east direction. We need to reach the ship as fast as we can."

"Yes, father." Govardhana replied.

"If my people find the chariot abandoned at the banks of the river, nothing will stop them from finding me." Mayanshi shrugged.

"Your people, Maya? Your courtiers? A day ago I was your kin. Everything was fine. Or it would have been. But you had to go ahead and destroy everything. Do you know how long it took me to seek out people who are loyal to my cause? It cost me fifteen years of my life to gather an army that could take the city. And you brought it down in a span of one prahar. You broke the bond we had just like that. Why, Maya?" Bhairava demanded answers. 

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