Chapter 26 - The truth

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Venu's eyes were fixated on the floor, while his heart raced against his chest expecting an outburst from the king. But when Samarjit spoke, his demeanor was calm and his voice was composed. "Why, Venu? Why did you do that?"

"Maharaja, I had no intention of harming Devika garu. I just wanted to extract information. That's what I have been trained for." Venu replied, struggling to recollect what he had done that resulted in the escalation of the subject. As far as he remembered, he had been polite. "I swear I didn't threaten her. I just talked to her. She continued the conversation willingly."

"It is this conversation that engendered genuine feelings of affection in the poor girl's heart."

"What!" Venu gaped at his king. "Maharaja, I--"

"Let me finish!" Samarjit said sternly. "I want you to be honest with me. Did you ever, during the entire period of her stay in the palace, behave in a way that could have led to her liking you? Was it your intention to get close to her and use her to gain information about the queen?"

"No." Venu tried to protest. "You have known me since we were children. I would never do something like that. I'd never toy with someone's emotions for my personal gain. You have to believe me. I never did anything to hurt her." He his voice carried a plea for Samarjit to understand.

"I know you wouldn't hurt someone intentionally. But the damage has been done. Devika garu understood your interest in her as genuine liking. And why shouldn't she? A good man like you taking special interest in her would make any girl of her age, reach this conclusion."

"But I didn't--"

"Don't you understand, Venu?" Samarjit raised his voice. "It's not about you. It's about her. You may not have meant for this to happen. But you can't dictate how she should feel. The truth is, your actions caused pain to her."

Venu felt his head spinning. He sat down. Now, when he thought about it again, it slowly occurred to him. The way her face broke into a smile and her eyes sparkled everytime they met. 'What have I done!'

"Maharani was here. She was furious. She thinks we planned this together and you acted upon my command. She is not wrong in thinking so. I planted a spy on her earlier. I asked you to get information about her, without even stopping to ask you what you were planning. I was so desperate, that I didn't care to check whether we were doing anything unethical." Samarjit sighed.

"I will apologize to her. I will explain that you were not involved in this. I will beg for forgiveness from both of them" said Venu, in a tone that carried deepest self-loathing. "The Queen saved me from being banished from the empire. And I repaid her by hurting her friend."

"I don't think it is advisable in this situation. I will try talking to her tomorrow. Hope her anger will be in control once she wakes up." Samarjit sat down next to Venu, wondering if he was turning ruthless due to his father's absence. 'Is this what it takes to be a king? How did my father manage to to rule without hurting anyone? Will I ever be as good as him?'


"Maya, is this true? Did you hit Samyukta's neighbour this morning?" Kaushiki asked her daughter.

Mayanshi hid her tiny little mud-stained palms, before her mother noticed them. "But amma, he scratched Samyukta's cheeks. She was crying. And then he laughed at her. He is a bad boy."

"But my Maya is a good girl. Isn't she?" Kaushiki made her sit on her lap. "Then why did she hit him?"

"Because Lord Krishna told me to." Mayanshi answered as if it was obvious.

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