Chapter 25 - An innocent heart

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Sorry. Been so long. I needed this break.


Devika caressed the flowers with her soft hands, slowly taking in the tenderness of the petals. It reminded her of the little garden in her childhood home, and the flower garlands she used to receive every morning as a gift from someone very dear to her.

"I see you have made all the arrangements for the prayer." Mayanshi approached her. "Beautiful flowers. It's third day in a row we are receiving these. Do they grow in our garden?"

"No, Maharani. These are from the neighbouring village." Devika informed, uncertain whether she should tell the queen who sent them.

"Who took all the pain to collect and transport them to us, at this hour?" Mayanshi wondered.

"Maharani. May I keep one of these? I like them."

"You like these? You can have them all." Mayanshi gave the bunch to her handmaiden.

"But the pooja--"

"I'm sure God would want someone as pure as my little Devika to have them." Mayanshi sat down next to her.

Devika blushed a deep shade of red. "Maharani, is it true that you are not traveling south? Are you going to stay because the king requested you to?"

Mayanshi's demeanor changed immediately. "He doesn't get to make my decisions for me. I am the one who would choose." Even as she spoke the words, she realized how untrue they felt. Did she really have a choice? Samarjit trapped her in her own game subtly, yet completely.

"I have a meeting with Sriman Ganesha. I should leave. You complete the prayer on my behalf." Mayanshi gave the sacred lamp to Devika. "And stay safe. You still don't look healthy. Get some rest. Don't go out alone." She walked away.

Devika looked distressed. She prayed sincerely for the Queen to reconcile with the King. 'Please God. Please end this quarrel between them. Don't let them drift apart any further.'


"Ah! There you are, child." Ganesha welcomed Mayanshi.

"Shubhodayam Sriman."

"What business brings you here?"

"Can't I just visit a friend casually?" She sat down.

"Not in this situation. And definitely not when the royal court has respectfully commanded you to stay back and not partake in the battle."

"How do you know this? We haven't announced this yet." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I have eyes and ears everywhere which helps me obtain information regarding delicate subjects. For instance, only this week I tracked down the retired soldier who stood guard at the entrance of your father's tent the night he died."

"What! And you didn't inform me? Why?" She demanded, beads of perspiration forming on her forehead. She finally had a chance of knowing what exactly transpired that night.

"I thought you were busy."

"I am never too busy for this." Her voice shook. "You should have come to me at once!"

"Calm down, child!"

"The correct form of address is Maharani." She gripped the end of her saree very tightly to reduce the shivering. He offered her a glass of water, which she gulped down at once, spilling some on herself. "I am sorry. I just.."

"I understand. I thought they were all dead. But one of them is alive. He has been hiding. Changed his name as well. I made arrangements to bring him here safely." He explained.

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