Chapter 19

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Once Cory was awake we told him we can go now because we are done with rehearsal.
After every one got everything they brought with them back in there bags we said bye to my band. We walked back down to were the car was parked. Were are we going to I asked Topanga.

What do you mean Topanga said. Are we going back to your place or mine I said. How about you drive us back to your place and will figure out the rest there Topanga said. Ok works for me I said. She gave me the keys and we got in the car were everyone was waiting.

About ten minutes later we were just arriving and mine and Sarah's house. Everyone got out of the car and started walking to our building. I gave the car keys back to Topanga and went to
Walk with Sarah. Once we got to our door Sarah's opened the door because she had the keys.

Once the door was opened me and Sarah race to the couch and fall down on it. Because I got there first Sarah fell on me. Her head hit mine and now both our heads hurt.

About two minutes later Cory and Topanga come in to see the boys and Riley laughing at what just happened. What's so funny Topanga asked. Maya and Sarah were racing to the couch and maya won.

So what's funny about that Cory asked. Because after maya jumped on the couch Sarah followed Farkle said. And then they head but each other accidentally Lucas said. So now there heads hurt Riley said.

Ok now I know what was so funny Cory said laughing. Now that's out of the way are you girls ok Topanga asked us. Yeah just give us a minute we'll be fine Sarah said.

How often do you guys hit each other's heads Cory asked. It happened at least once a day I said. How does that happen so often Zay said. We don't know its just always happened I said.

Are you guys ok now Topanga asked. I'm fine my head still hurts but I'm good. Are you okay Sarah I asked. My head still kind hurts but I'm fine. Why are you guys still laying like that Lucas asked.

Because if we move will be in even more pain. So we have to wait until both of our heads don't hurt before we move. Why Zay said.

Because if I move her head will hurt more and if she moves my head will hurt more Sarah said. How does that work Cory asked. It's because we are twins we feel each other's pain I said.

How long do you usually have to wait when this happens Topanga asked. Normally five minutes I said. How long has it been Sarah asked.

Six minutes you guys should be good now Riley said. Me and Sarah started sitting up slowly not to hurt each other. Once we are sat up I started feeling a little dizzy. Are you Sarah started and I said yeah are you I asked her. Yeah she said.

What's going on Cory asked. We're both dizzy I said. What can we do to help Topanga asked. We need a drink that helps us when we are like this Sarah said.

Ok what do you want Cory asked. Just get the bottle of juice that's in the fridge and bring it here. Ok what do I do with it he said after her got it. Just bring it here I said.

Here he said after opening it. Sarah took a few sips of it and then gave it to me and I did the same thing. After about a minute we were felling better.

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