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Midoriya [POV]

I looked at the clock on my phone, it was already 5:49 I had to pack a bit and get ready.  I packed my backpack with clothes and other things that I would need.  By the time I had finished and made myself look presentable brushing my hair and getting into different clothes it was around 6:22.  I grabbed my bag and phone and went to go get my shoes on

"Bye mom I'm gonna get going now" I called out my mom shuffled over wrapping me in a huge hug giving me a kiss on the forehead

"Have fun Izuku don't get into any trouble" she instructed

"I won't I promise I'll text you goodnight" I waved to her as I left shutting the door behind me.  I walked down the street to Momo's house but when I got there it was more of a mansion rather than a house.  Awestruck I walked up the winding driveway to the house and knocked on the door.  Momo answered it wearing a V-neck shirt with a fluffy skirt that went down to her knees

"Kirishima, Bakugo, Mina, Jiro and Todoroki are already here" she smiled brightly opening her arms out stepping back so that I could enter.  I followed her inside to a living room where all six of t hem had already gathered and were  sitting down talking together.  Bakugo sat on the plush velvet chair next to Kirishima.  The chair was made for one person but Bakugo had squeezed himself next to him almost sitting on Kirishima's lap.  Soon everyone else had arrived; Aoyama, Iida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Kaminari, Sato, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Mineta and even Koda managed to make it.  We had dinner at Momo's large table.  It was a fancy kind of homemade sushi that I had never tasted before with soy sauce and some kind of juice to drink.  Momo didn't say what it was but it had a tangy lemon taste.  By the time we had finished eating it was around 8:30

"Todoroki will you let us roast Marshmallows?" Kirishima begged shaking a bag of marshmallows that he had either brought or found I couldn't tell

"No you'll get it in my hair again" Todoroki sat on his knees leaning up against the armrest of the couch barely taking up any room

"We promise we wont" Mina insisted

"You broke that promise last time" He insisted resting his chin on his hand 

"If Todoroki doesn't want to do it you shouldn't force him that is not right to do" Iida scolded making weird hand gestures as he talked

"Thank you" Todoroki nodded at Iida

"Oh I know let's play truth or dare" Momo clapped her hands together excitedly

"Sure why not but can we skip dares if we don't want to" Uraraka asked

"I think we should be able to but there should be a punishment for it" Kirishima suggested

"Good Idea" Momo got up quickly rushing out of the room

"What are you planning?" Ojiro shouted nervously

"You'll see" Momo called back and a few minutes she came back with a large cup full of a foul smelling liquid

"What on earth is that it smells horrendous" Aoyama commented covering his nose with one hand

"It's a punishment if you choose to skip a dare you have to take a drink of this" She swirled the drink in it's cup

"What's in it?" I asked covering my nose as well

"Apple cider vinegar, regular vinegar, Pickle juice, ketchup and mustard, leftover gravy, milk, orange juice, guacamole, hot sauce, a lot of hot sauce, olive oil, sugar, salt, pepper, cinnamon and a secret ingredient" She smirked evilly "It is all edible though, you won't die drinking it"

"Oh god" Uraraka exclaimed

"So, who wants to go first?" Momo set the cup on the coffee table in the middle of the room

(A.N. so I had a real fun time writing the next chapter so enjoy)

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