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(A.N. so I didn't plan on writing the last chapter right now because I wanted to add on to my other stories but I saw it got over 200 reads and just I'm baffled thank you so so so much all of you it means a lot to me this is more than I thought anything on my account would get since I'm not really a person to stand out ever I'm kind of like just one of those background characters but this makes me SO happy to see that people are actually seeing my stories and reading it so I hope you enjoy the last chapter)

Midoriya [POV]

After class finally ended (Even though it seemed like it dragged on forever) I was bubbling with excitement and at the same time I was nervous. I grabbed my bag and went with Aizawa to go see Todoroki. Neither of us said anything on the walk there and I figured that Aizawa would probably do all the talking since I was just kind of like a stowaway. When we got there Aizawa knocked on the door Fuyumi answered it cheerfully

"Oh Aizawa, Midoriya hello what brings you two here?" She asked with a smile

"We just wanted to check up on Todoroki after we figured out what had happened with everything" Aizawa explained

"Oh I see come in come in make yourselves at home" She stepped aside so that we could enter "Shoto is in his room sleeping at least he better be he doesn't really listen to me"

"He's always had a bit of trouble with authority" Aizawa joked with a shrug

"Tell me about that" Fuyumi laughed leading the way down the hallway

"Shoto has been sick as a dog this past weekend after he lost his phone he shouldn't have gone to school yesterday but he insisted on it, it's been a pretty crappy week for Shoto" She laughed but in my head I knew that it wasn't just by coincidence everything these past few days were planned. Fuyumi knocked on Todoroki's bedroom door before opening it

"Shoto are you awake?" She asked softly

"Unfortunately yes" Todoroki replied hoarsely

"You've got guests" she announced as Aizawa and I went into the room Todoroki shifted a bit so he was slightly sitting up

"Aizawa, Midoriya hi" He responded coughing

"We wanted to check in on you see how you were doing well I did originally and Midoriya insisted on coming as well" Aizawa explained

"Oh thanks" Todoroki responded going into a coughing fit. He sounded horrible and I kind of felt guilty that I couldn't do anything for him. When he regained his composure Aizawa asked him

"So how are you feeling?"

"Like I'm knocking on deaths door but he isn't answering" Todoroki rubbed his eyes

"It's that bad?" Aizawa asked "But we didn't come here just to check on you"

"We figured out what happened" I interrupted before Aizawa could explain any further

"Yes" Aizawa nodded "We figured out one of the villains who goes by Toga had poisoned you and tried to sneak into the school but her motives and goals weren't found out"

"Poisoned?!" Fuyumi exclaimed

"Poisoned?" Todoroki asked "Now that I think about that, it makes sense"

"We'll try to figure out what it was and then we can get you back on your feet again" Aizawa assured


"Wait Toga said it was some version of the flu but a bit more intense something like that" I chimed in

"Oh really now, that makes it easier" Aizawa nodded

"Ugh" Todoroki groaned

"Well Todoroki we should go you should rest some more and I'll try to get you some medicine" Aizawa explained

"Yeah thanks again" Todoroki managed a weak smile as we left. The next day Aizawa was able to get some medicine for the flu for Todoroki but he was still out of school for almost a week still recovering. It must have either still been really bad or just his sister was being really cautious not letting him go to school. On Monday of the next week though he was back he said it was mostly gone but he was fine enough to go to school. He still looked awful but I didn't think to point that out. Toga was in prison still being interrogated but her lips were sealed. She wouldn't give out anymore information but for now all was good. Todoroki was having a hard time getting caught up but everyone was helping him in their own ways. Sometimes I would get suspicious of one of our classmates until I remembered that Toga was in prison and that made me relax.

(A.N. I hope y'all enjoyed the story I had something else to say here but I kind of forgot like as I wrote that last sentence I had it in my mind but now it's gone and I'm kind of writing non sense right now to see if I'll be able to remember it................................, welp I don't remember so goodbye on this story check out my other fan fictions if you'd like)

(Edit: A.N. so I remembered what I wanted to say that I wanted to apologize because the time line of this fan fiction doesn't make sense at all but I just went with it because I had no clue what I was doing for half of this)

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