Let's talk about hair

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Midoriya [POV]

I guess I really did fall asleep because I remember waking up to the sun shining through the blinds the people that woke up early getting everything packed up and stuff talking quietly as to not wake anyone up.  I sat up rubbing my eyes looking down at Todoroki.  He was still sleeping soundly.  I stretched my arms above my head working quietly at rolling up my sleeping bag hoping now to wake Todoroki.  I checked my phone, it was just now turning 8:00 I had woken up later than usual but I had several texts from my mom from last night saying 'goodnight' and 'I love you' and several more from this morning saying things like 'good morning Izuku I hope you slept well' and 'off to work now see you at home' from just a few minutes ago.  I had forgotten to charge it last night so it was only at half battery

"Morning Midoriya did you sleep well?" Momo asked putting her hand on my shoulder.  I jumped turned around quickly she walked really quietly

"Good morning, yeah I slept well" I responded with a smile

"Todoroki isn't up yet honestly I'm surprised he is usually the first to wake up when we have sleepovers" She put her hands on her hips looking down at Todoroki

"Yeah he does usually wake up pretty early doesn't he?" I agreed

"well he was probably tired, cant blame him" She shrugged "Come on you should get dressed and brush your hair it's a mess" she ruffled my hair

"Yeah it does that in the mornings" I laughed quietly going over to my bag which I had dropped a few feet away from Todoroki's which he had brought closer to him.  I took out a clean shirt and pair of shorts and went to the bathroom to get changed locking the door behind me.  I got changed and went back to put my clothes in my back.  I searched around my bag looking for my brush but couldn't find it.  Did I forget to bring it?  I shouldn't have packed so last minute.  I sighed, oh well no way to get it now anyways.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki mumbled slowly sitting up

"Hi, you're up" I responded turning around

"Your hair is messier than normal" he pointed out giggling a bit

"You're one to talk" I rolled my eyes at his hair sticking up in places the red and white mixing together "Do you feel better though?"

"Yes I do, surprisingly" he nodded smiling

"You're in a good mood today though that's good" I pointed out

"Am I?" he asked raising one eyebrow

"Yes which is slightly concerning, come here" I knelt down in front of him pressing the back of my hand to his forehead again, he was still really hot but not as bad as last night "You're still warm but not like last night"

"Oh" I ruffled his hair more

"You need to brush your hair because when I can put my hand against your forehead without having to move your hair that means you need to brush it" I laughed

"yeah" he moved to sit on his knees "Oh did I steal your blanket for the whole night?" He grabbed my blanket which he did have all night

"Yeah but I didn't mind" I shrugged taking it from him as he handed it to me.  I folded it up while Todoroki rolled up his sleeping bag

"Thanks Midoriya" Todoroki mumbled looking down at the floor, I didn't think that I heard him right though

"What?" I asked confused

"I said thanks" he repeated himself

"What for I didn't do anything" I raised one eyebrow packing up my bag

"You were concerned about me" he explained and I realized then that he wasn't actually that cold or emotionless he was like everyone else but, he was just taught to hide his emotions, he hid them so well in fact that to him it was surprising if anyone saw through his mast that he wasn't always okay

"You don't need to thank me for being concerned about my friend" I reassured him

"Just-" He trailed off looking down at the ground

"Just nothing I'm your friend and I think I should be allowed to be concerned about you without any reason" I smiled

"yeah...., I guess your right" he nodded to himself like he was more trying to convince himself

"Hey do you have a brush I could borrow?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Yeah I think I would kinda be lost without one since this is how my hair looks when I wake up every morning" he joked "It's in the front pocket of my bag" he pointed to his bag sitting next to mine now.  I nodded and knelt down in front of his bag unzipping the front pocket.  I was able to find his hair brush right away

"I packed kinda last minute so I managed to forgot my hairbrush" I laughed at myself tossing the hairbrush to Todoroki "It's your hairbrush and I think you need it more than me" 

"Thanks" He nodded starting to brush his hair down, his bangs covering his forehead once again.  I had sat back down on the floor in front of him not paying attention.  To my surprise Todoroki started to brush my hair as well

"How do you brush your hair to get it all fluffy?" he asked

"I just brush it down and shake my head, it does that naturally" I took his wrist to stop him and took the hairbrush with my other hand "It's not much work when my hair is naturally fluffy" I brushed my hair down like I did every morning but this time I brushed it down in a way to mock Todoroki making it look similar to his

"Hey!  That's my hairstyle" he exclaimed

"Yeah I'm making fun of your hair" I explained shaking my head quickly my hair fluffing up

"Whoa" Todoroki gasped at how my hair fluffed up

"Your hair is just normally flat like that" I put my hand on his head, his hair was surprisingly soft

"NO GAY CRAP THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING" Bakugo shouted at the two of us

"You're one to talk Kacchan" I snickered but I don't think he heard me because he would defiantly beat me up for that comment

"Bakugo don't shout some people are still sleeping" Momo scolded, he just glared at her until she backed away slowly.  Todoroki seemed slightly annoyed at Bakugo either that or just irritated by how loud he was in the morning

"You two grew up together so you had to deal with him?" Todoroki asked surprised "No wonder you have the patience of a saint you grew up with that" I laughed at his comment

"Yeah I guess so" I shrugged "I wouldn't say of a saint though I'm just a very patient person"

"Whatever you say" he tossed his brush over by his bag it just barely hit his backpack almost hitting the wall

"People are still sleeping after that?" I looked over even though I couldn't really see anyone but Bakugo and a sleeping Kirishima

"Todoroki you're up?" Momo appeared out of nowhere.  I don't know how she kept doing that but it was freaking me out

"Yeah did you need me for something?" he asked

"No it's just you usually are the first to wake up I was starting to get a bit worried about you" she shrugged smiling innocently "But I can't really blame you, making you stand in the freezer was kind of cruel"

"No it was fine" he shrugged

 "You got pretty bad frostbite is it better today?" she asked

"It wasn't really that bad but yes it's better" He reached up touching his face where the frostbite used to be, he didn't seem to flinch or react so I assumed it was completely gone

"Is it all gone?" 

"Yeah" Todoroki nodded

"That's good" she smiled pink dusting on her cheeks, that might have just been me imagining things but I think Momo was starting to develop a crush on Todoroki "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" Momo retreated back to another room quite quickly.

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