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Momo [POV]

I walked down the hallway to the freezer.  He was right about the temperature being lower.  I tried the door from the outside and it was locked lie he said.  I continued down the hallway to the office where all the keys were kept and looked on the rack for the key to the freezer but it wasn't there.  I went back to the freezer and to my surprise the key was sitting on the floor right outside the door clear as day.  I mentally face palmed for not noticing that and unlocked the door.  Up close in person Todoroki looked much worse his skin was white as snow apart from some places which was a bright red like his cheeks and nose.

"I swear I didn't lock it at first" I insisted handing him his clothes which I had left outside the door

"I believe you" He put on his shirt and pants and was still shivering the short walk back to the living room.  Todoroki sat back down in his seat pressed against the armrest of the couch.  The frost on his body had started to melt off his face and I assume the rest of his body but the places where the frost had been was greyish in color and looked similar to wax

"Todoroki shouldn't you do something about your frostbite" Midoriya asked

"I am" He responded bluntly Midoriya raised one eyebrow.  Todoroki took his hand

"Your hands are freezing" Midoriya exclaimed as soon as Todoroki grabbed him

"yeah no shoot" Todoroki moved his hand and pressed it against his left cheek right under his scar.  Midoriya's eyes widened with surprise his mouth forming a silent 'O'.  Todoroki let go of his hand and looked away

"Are we still playing truth or dare?" Todoroki asked

"I guess so we were just waiting for you to complete your dare" I responded

Midoriya [POV]

Todoroki was still shivering sitting next to me though he tried to play it off like it was nothing.  He was still freezing his skin was ice cold and even his left cheek even though it was hod it still had a cold touch to it

"Kaminari truth or dare" Todoroki asked

"Dare" Kaminari responded without a second thought.  Todoroki thought for a moment his face expressionless

"Let Ojiro put makeup on you" he finally instructed his face still blank which made it funner, It always amazed me that he could keep such a straight face.  Ojiro seemed more surprised and denying than Kaminari but didn't object.  Momo left for a minute to grab her makeup and came back with a huge bag.  Surprising Ojiro knew his way around a make up bag and was really good at it.  At the end Kaminari had perfect winged eyeliner that any girl would dream of, perfect contour and dark blood red lipstick.

"Holy crap Ojiro where did you learn to do make up like that" Jiro exclaimed

"my little sister likes to ask me specifically to help her with Makeup so I kind of just had to learn as I went along" Ojiro shrugged as Kaminari gaped at himself in the mirror

"I'm keeping this on for the rest of the night I look beautiful" Kaminari admitted which earned laughter from everyone

"I made a mess" Ojiro muttered staring at his hands which were covered in makeup

"There's a bathroom on the third door on the right down the hallway" Momo instructed pointing down the hallway

"thanks" Ojiro stood up and walked down the hall to the bathroom

"Okay Bakugo truth or dare" Kaminari asked

"Dare" Bakugo snapped still shirtless

"Call and break up with your girlfriend" Kaminari commanded

"Fine" Bakugo shouted without even thinking about it and pulled out his phone.  He pressed call and pout his phone to his ear

"No put it on speaker" Kaminari instructed.  Bakugo glared at him but put his phone on speaker holding it by his face

Truth or dare sleepover [BNHA fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now