Todoroki is still sick

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Midoriya [POV] 

After school we all went our separate ways but at 6:30 I started to head towards the park.  I saw Todoroki already sitting there on a bench.  

"Hey Todoroki you got here early?" I called rushing over to him

"Yeah so did you" He sneezed covering his mouth, his cheeks were rosy and he was pale 

"Bless you" I responded sitting down next to him

"Ugh I thought my cold was getting better but I feel just as bad as yesterday" he whined

"Why'd you come to school then if you were sick?" I asked

"Because I was just starting to feel better but everything is happening all over again" he sneezed again a small bit of frost formed on his right hand.  I snickered slightly Todoroki looked down at this hand

"UGH, this happened before it's embarrassing" He groaned leaning back on the bench

"Your quirk goes haywire?" I asked holding back a bit of laughter "It's kind of like a roulette every time you sneeze then?" 

"Don't laugh at me it's horrible at least it's not that bad I've seen times when Natsuo sneezes when he has a cold and almost the whole house is covered in ice" he laughed coughing faintly "I think I'm dying at this point" he muttered

"So if your quirks get all messed up when you have a cold let's hope your dad doesn't ever get a cold" I exclaimed

"Oh no trust me that is hilarious" he smiled

"And you're just being dramatic it's just a cold you're not dying" I punched him playfully in the shoulder

"I think my insides are slowly wasting away" he pulling his hood up over his head tightening the strings and laying down on the bench

"You look like a hobo when you do that" I pointed out with a laugh

"I don't care I'm tired and feel like death" he coughed again "And just because my quirk gets messed up when I sneeze doesn't mean that I still can't control it" he slipped his foot out of his boot putting it on my lap.  I jumped up quickly when my leg started to feel hot then it got burning

"You little piece of-"

"Deku heeey" I was cut off by Uraraka jogging over to me with Iida behind her.  She was bubbly as usual and Iida was trying to keep control as usual.

"Hey Uraraka" I replied smiling at her she came over looking down at Todoroki

"What is he-?" she trailed off

"I'm dying" he muttered

"He's dying" I repeated raising one eyebrow questioningly at him 

"Don't give me that look" He snapped flipping me off

"Todoroki that is unsanitary what are you doing" Iida scolded Todoroki sighed sitting back up his hood loosening a bit

"Blahg I'm dying that's what" he sneezed again covering his mouth there was a small spark of fire but was quickly snuffed out

"What was-" Uraraka started

"Don't say anything about it" Todoroki snapped sneezing again

"Are you sure you should be here right now Todoroki if you don't feel good you should go home and rest" Uraraka started

"I want to figure out what's going on because I don't want a look alike of me going around sexually harassing innocent people" he insisted firmly

"That is true but you really sound awful" She furrowed her eyebrows concerned

"Wonderful thanks for pointing that out captain obvious" he rolled his eyes

"you don't have to be so harsh I was just being concerned about you" she frowned

"Guys let's not fight okay we're all confused and concerned about things so we can't fight" I held my hands up between the two defensively

"Yeah, your right Deku" Uraraka muttered

"Yeah sorry" Todoroki looked away

"Midoriya hey" Kirishima called waving to me as he ran over dragging Bakugo behind him

"Why did you want us to come help with your stupid problems" Bakugo snapped crossing his arms in front of his chest

"I trust you two so and you guy are good at problem solving" I responded with a half smile

"But how do we know that Todoroki isn't lying about all of this and is just trying to plead innocent?" Kirishima asked shooting a glare at Todoroki

"Okay believe me or not but I had noting to..., nothing to" Todoroki trailed off sneezing mid sentence he sucked in a deep breath for a few seconds before relaxing again "Sorry false alarm but I really had nothing to do with it"

"Hmph" Kirishima pouted crossing his arms in front of his chest as well

"Kirishima come on don't be like that" I begged

"Only for you Midoriya" he insisted

"Thank you" I bowed to him just as Momo ran over out of breath

"Sorry am I late I got caught up with something" Momo exclaimed coughing a few times

"No it's fine we were still waiting for you" I responded, Momo sat down on the bench next to Todoroki breathing heavy 

"Okay now that we're all here we can start" I clapped my hands together excitedly

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