The meeting

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(A.N. HOLY CRAP THANK YOU GUYS FOR OVER 100 READS I didn't expect this to get as many reads as it did and I am ecstatic thank you all and I hope everyone is enjoying it so far because I don't really know what I'm doing with this so just thank you all for reading it)

Todoroki [POV]

Besides the face I felt awful like I wanted to pass out everything was going well even though no one had any idea what was going on.  I wasn't much help at all because I had no clue what happened in the first place but I was enjoying just being with everyone.  Momo seemed a bit out of it as well but I didn't point that out.  I sighed closing my eyes thinking about things.  I don't remember really going anywhere where someone with that kind of quirk could have got me.  Let's see I know I went to the doctors on Friday because Fuyumi was worried about me.  I had my blood drawn which I didn't like very much (A.N. I hate needles so why not add it here) And that was it.  The doctor did a few tests but it wasn't much.  I don't remember what the doctor told Fuyumi because I was out of it delirious with fever

"Todoroki what do you think?" hearing my name snapped me back to reality

"What?" I asked quickly

"Were you not paying attention?" Midoriya asked

"No sorry I was thinking what did you say?" I responded sheepishly

"Well we were thinking that it might be Toga since she's the only one that we can think of that has a quirk like that Uraraka says that she thinks that she needs blood to do that" Midoriya explained "Do you remember anything like that"

"All that I know of is on Friday my sister made me go to the doctors and I had my blood drawn that's all I know of" I responded

"Maybe it was then?" Midoriya shrugged

"Possibly but I don't really remember much of the doctor visit because I was delirious with a fever" I explained 

"just everyone needs to be careful okay?" Midoriya insisted

"Yeah don't want it to happen again" Uraraka insisted I yawned

"Todoroki your face is really red are you sure you are feeling alright?" Iida asked

"Oh no I never said I was feeling alright I want to die" I responded sneezing again a small bit of ice forming in my hand as I tried to hide it

"Maybe you should go home and rest" Midoriya started

"Yeah maybe you should" Uraraka agreed

"if you guys are just trying to get rid of me I don't care because I'm going to actually go home and sleep so see you tomorrow if I'm not dead yet" I stood up sneezing again

"We aren't trying to get rid of you we're just looking out for you" Midoriya started

"Yeah I said I didn't care" I waved to them as I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I walked away towards my house.  I sneezed again a bit of ice freezing my foot to the floor.  I frowned breaking it off and continued walking.  Maybe it really was Toga who was behind all of this.  She did seem to have a bit of a crush on Midoriya but of all people why would she look like me.  I got home unlocking the door and taking my shoes off when I got inside

"Fuyumi I'm home" I called coughing

"Shoto why were you even out you're still sick?" She fussed coming over to me

"Because I had to do something" I responded brushing it off

"You're going to get hurt one of these times when your force yourself too much" she insisted "Let me take your temperature"

"Fuyumi I'm fifteen and I already know I've got a fever because it's not like that will go away soon and I also feel like death" I walked past her going to my room

"Shoto you never let me care for you" she insisted

"I'm going to bed" I announced shutting the door behind me.  I flopped down on my bed not even bothering to change and fell asleep immediately.  Apparently I slept all night because Fuyumi woke me up

"Shoto let me take your temperature I don't think you should go to school" she insisted

"I'm good I can go to school" I tried to stand up but as soon as I stood up the room spun and I fell back onto the bed "Nope never mind I'm dying"

"I'll be right back" she left and came back with the thermometer.  She forced me to stay still with it under my tongue for quite a while before she took it out.  I rolled my eyes at how concerned she was

"yup you are NOT going to school today" she exclaimed "I'll call in and tell them"

"What's it at?" I asked

"104" she responded starting to walk out of the room

"Ugh" I muttered laying back down on my bed.  Fuyumi came back a few moments later

"You're not going to school today so stay in bed and rest" She scolded

"No where else I could go" I rolled over to my side

"Sorry little brother this is mine and Natsuo's fault" she apologized

"Whatever don't worry about it" I brushed it off

"Goodnight get better soon" she closed my door slowly and I tried to get to sleep tossing and turning before finally settling into a dreamless sleep.

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