The Game

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Midoriya [POV]

"Tokoyami truth or dare" Hagakure exclaimed

"Dare" He challenged without missing a beat crossing his arms in front of his chest unamused

"I dare you to eat an entire bar of soap" She laughed Mischievously.  Tokoyami's eyes widened in surprise

"I'll get a bar of soap" Momo stood up

"Or do you wanna skip Tokoyamiiii" Hagakure challenged

"Go get the bar of soap" he instructed, Momo laughed as she left to get the soap and continued laughing coming back with a huge white bar of freshly opened soap

"Why is your soap so big?" Tokoyami exclaimed

"Because it's fancy soap" she giggled handing it to Tokoyami.  He took it nervously and I felt myself get nervous for him.  He took a first big bite and immediately gagged but he continued.  It would taste better than the drink most likely.  Soap bubbles started to spill out of his mouth as he took his last bite he started coughing, bubbles flying everywhere but he did complete the dare

"Mina....., Truth or...., dare" He said between coughing

"Dare" She put her hands on her hips determined

"Lick to bottom of Sero's foot" he challanged

"I have socks on" Sero held up one of his feet showing his socks

"Do it with the socks on" Tokoyami instructed

"Ah yuck" Mina whined but walked over and sat down on her knees

"Are you sure about this you can always take a drink" Sero offered nervously

"Nope" she grabbed his foot licking it quickly before recoiling back with disgust "Bleck ew" she whined

"I warned you" he shrugged

"Not really" Mina added but quickly pointed at Kirishima "Truth or dare Kirishima"


"I dare you to take Bakugo's shirt off with only your teeth" she instructed, Kirishima's face turned a bright red as he looked at Bakugo who's eyes grew wide as he processed the dare

"Why me?" Bakugo shouted

"Because you're pretty much sitting in his lap, so might as well" Mina shrugged looking as innocent as possible

"Get up Bakugo I'm gonna do it" Kirishima instructed his face flushing even redder

"Ugh" Slowly Bakugo stood up and Kirishima pushed him back down on the chair kneeling down biting the hem of his shirt.  I'm pretty sure that he was thankful that Bakugo was wearing a loose shirt today and not like the ones he usually wears or one with buttons.  Kirishima lifted the shirt leaning up on his hands which were placed on either side of Bakugo's lap and surprisingly Bakugo didn't try to hit Kirishima or once yell at him and was being very cooperative.  Bakugo even helped out a bit but not enough to get him penalized.  When it was finally over both of them relaxed like they had been holding their breath

"You cooperated" Kirishima exclaimed happily

"Shut up" Bakugo looked away and instead of getting back on the chair Kirishima just sat down on the floor between Bakugo's legs as Bakugo sat on the chair his shirt on his head

"Tsu truth or dare?" Kirishima asked

"Truth" Tsuyu responded pulling her legs up to her chest

"Do you like anyone in this room" he asked

"Yes" she responded sheepishly her cheeks dusted pink

"WHO" at least three people shouted at the same time

"That wasn't part of the truth" she insisted pursing her lips

"I'd be careful picking truth next time then" Momo warned

"Yes" Tsuyu nodded "Uraraka truth or dare?"


"How long could you go without your phone" she asked which was kind of lame

"As long as I needed I don't need my phone anyways" Uraraka insisted proudly

"Are you sure you could?" Tsuyu asked raising one eyebrow

"I only really use it to talk with people there isn't much else I use it for so yeah I could go without it as long as I wanted" she insisted again

"Okay I believe you" Tsuyu shrugged

"Deku truth or dare" Uraraka asked me

"Dare" I Mumbled unsure if I should or not though I trusted Uraraka

"I dare you to shave your legs" She challenged

"Seriously?" I asked

"Yeah I can help you" she jumped up grabbing me by the arm pulling me to the bathroom

"There's razors int he cabinet under the sink" Momo called after us

"Thanks" Uraraka called back dragging me into a bathroom

"I'll help you" she repeated sifting through the cabinet finding a shaving razor.  She pulled it out displaying it proudly.  Around 45 minutes later we had finished and my legs felt numb but very smooth.  I had cut myself with the razor around five times and that's when Uraraka took over because and I quote "I was to dangerous with it".  We went back into the living room and because I was wearing shorts everyone could clearly see.

"Whoa Midoriya" Mina exclaimed running her hand up and down my left leg "Your skin is really soft"

"Thanks I guess" I shrugged "Momo truth or dare"

"Dare" she responded

"Kiss Iida" I challenged

"Oooooh" Mina exclaimed, Momo blushed her face turning dark red.  She turned to Iida who just happened to be sitting next to her.  He was about to deny but she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him on the forehead.  I mean it was what I told her to do but I guess I expected her to forget that I didn't specify where.  Iida blushed as well

"Todoroki truth or dare" She shouted pointing at Todoroki who has been quiet this whole time sitting next to me.  Apparently he had fallen asleep some time ago because he jumped and looked around I don't think he heard the question

"What?" he asked quietly

"Truth or dare?" she repeated

"Dare?" he questioned still kind of confused

"I dare you to go in the freezer for an hour in just your underwear" she instructed

"Easy" he scoffed

"You can't use your quirk" she added

"I cant control that it just happens when my body temperature gets to a certain point" he explained

"Well no quirk" She insisted firmly

"That still shouldn't be a problem" he insisted confidently still groggy from sleep

"My freezer can get to -50 Fahrenheit" she crossed her arms in front of her chest

"seriously?" Todoroki exclaimed

"yes but right now it's only at -5 Fahrenheit" she explained

"Okay" He seemed reluctant

"Come on then" she stood up and Todoroki followed, he seemed stiff from sitting like how he was for so long

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