What's up with Todoroki?

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*On Monday*

Midoriya [POV]

I walked to school my hands in my pockets looking down at the ground my mind buzzing thinking back to what happened yesterday.  I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head but  I just couldn't.  I could still taste his blood in my mouth.  He seemed so weird that's not how Todoroki would have acted, that's not like him.  I was so indulged in thought that I ran right into someone without looking

"Oh Hey Midoriya how was your weekend?" Todoroki asked cheerfully with a faint smile

"What is wrong with you?" I snapped slapping him across the face storming off towards school

"Wha-" He muttered covering his cheek I just continued all the way to the classroom and sat down in my seat

"Midoriya are you okay?" Uraraka asked noticing my distress

"He's just going to pretend like nothing even happened" I snapped banging my head on my desk

"Todoroki is?" Uraraka asked

"Yes he just acted like nothing had happened" I exclaimed

"Midoriya what was that about I accidentally ran into you and you blow up?" Todoroki exclaimed coming into the room

"Don't pretend like nothing happened you know what you did" I snapped

"What did I do I really have no clue what you're talking about" he furrowed his eyebrows concerned

"Saturday at Momo's house in the bathroom ring a bell?" I snapped

"Saturday at Momo's house?  What are you talking about?" He asked

"Are you really that dense to not remember the sleepover we all had at Momo's house you even agreed to it on the group chat" I exclaimed

"What?  Midoriya I got my phone stolen on Wednesday and I was sick as a dog all weekend with a cold" he explained confused

"What?  Then who was at the sleepover?" I asked

"I had no clue you guys were having a sleepover I told you I got my phone stolen too and even if I knew about it I couldn't have come since I was sick" He looked at me concern and confusion in his eyes and right at that moment Bakugo and Kirishima came into the room.  After they had came out to the class they were much more lovey dovey.  Kirishima saw Todoroki and Immediately came up to him and slapped him across the face like I had done when I saw him

"What the hell Kirishima?" He exclaimed

"You know what you did" Kirishima scoffed going to sit down in his seat

"What are all of you talking about what happened this weekend?" Todoroki exclaimed

"We should as you the same question" Bakugo shouted

"I was in my bed all weekend feeling like I was about to die I don't know what you guys were doing" he explained

"What you were at the sleepover though" Kirishima started

"I had no clue you guys were having a sleepover I said before that someone stole my phone" Todoroki ran his fingers through his hair annoyed.  There was a dark bruise forming on the side of his face where both me and Kirishima slapped him

"But we all saw you" Uraraka chimed in

"Ugh I really have no clue what you all are talking about" he sighed running his fingers through his hair

"In the bathroom you-" 

"I wasn't there Midoriya doesn't anyone believe me" he exclaimed

"we don't have proof that you were really at home" Uraraka crossed her arms in front of her chest suspiciously

"You know what think what you want because I've got no proof except for my sister who was taking care of me but no phone to call her up" he sighed walking away to his desk.  He sat down laying his head down on his arms.

"do you think that he's telling the truth?" Uraraka asked me

"I don't really know he's not really one to lie so I don't see why he would and he seems to have genuinely no clue what we're talking about" I shook my head

"Or he's really just a dirty pervert and knows how to hide it" She punched her hand furrowing her eyebrows

"I don't know" I shook my head

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