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Midoriya [POV]

Todoroki wasn't in his spot when class started so maybe he was home sick.  He didn't look too well yesterday but I hope he get's better soon.  Right before Aizawa announced what we were going to be doing Todoroki opened the door panting heavily

"Todoroki you're late" Aizawa scolded furrowing his eyebrows questioningly 

"I know sorry I slept late" he explained

"Well go sit down don't keep the class waiting" Aizawa frowned at the interruption 

"I'm sorry" Todoroki bowed briefly before hurrying to his desk in the back of the room.  I didn't pay attention to anything that Aizawa had said that class period I was still a bit concerned about Todoroki.  He never is late for class.  After class I approached him

"Todoroki are you feeling better from yesterday?" I asked cheerfully he stared at me confused for a moment

"Oh yeah.., yeah I'm feeling better" he smiled cautiously

"But hey can I talk to you in private?" I asked suspicious of Todoroki

"Sure Izu- Midoriya" He choked up and I could have sworn he was going to call me Izuku I raised one eyebrow questioningly but led him out into the hallway.  I walked down the hallway to the part of the school that usually would be empty at this time.

"So um..., what did you need Midoriya?" He asked scratching at the back of his neck

"So I just wanted to tell you what we thought of yesterday and I thought you wanted to know that we were going to tell the teacher about this event" I explained

"Really I don't think that's a good idea what if Todoroki was just faking it?" He asked 

"Wait did you just refer to yourself in the third person?" I asked raising one eyebrow his face went a beet red and he swore silently under his breath

"You aren't really Todoroki are you?" I asked my heart pounding in my chest

"Aw you caught on that quickly?" They asked the disguise slowly melting away his deep voice turning more high pitched towards the end.  Standing before me was the giggling blonde haired girl who I had met at the summer camp.  

"Toga!" I exclaimed "I knew it"

"Aw don't act so surprised Izuku you can't deny I bet you're happy to see me" she purred tilting my chin up with one hand

"get away from me" I snapped backing up

"If you were suspicious from the start why did you want to talk to me in the hallway where there are no people to help you?" she tilted her head to one side

"What did you do with Todoroki?" I asked

"Oh don't worry he's fine though the blood I took from him before wouldn't last long anyways this was the last of it" she shrugged

"You planned all of this" I accused

"Oh so harsh of course we did but we just had to get your little friend out of the way that was the difficult part since he's always on your tail like a lost puppy looking for his momma" she smirked "It wasn't that easy to spike him with a bit more intense version of the flu to get him out of the way and when his sister forced him to go to the doctors that was my perfect time to strike you wouldn't believe that he's afraid of needles he nearly passed out it was hilarious"

"Don't talk about him like that" I exclaimed

"I bet with what I gave him he's probably feeling like he's gonna die but don't worry it wont kill him at least I don't think" she shrugged "But I needed to get you all to myself and maybe ruin his reputation just a little bit" she pulled a knife out of her pocket slashing at me "A few setbacks are understandable we didn't expect any of you to catch on so quickly and we didn't expect him to go to school yesterday oh and his phone that was the easiest part he so dense he didn't even notice when I stole it right from under his nose" I jumped back a few paces keeping my distance 

"You know your uniform is quite uncomfortable I don't see how you could wear this all day" she unbuttoned the school uniform jacket throwing it onto the floor

"You talk an awful lot" I commented dodging another on of her attacks but just barely.  I cried out with surprise as she pulled another knife from out of no where slashing me across the face.  Blood dripped down my face and before I could do anything else she had tackled me.  She pinned me to the floor and her strength was surprising.  Before I knew it she had collected my blood in a vial tilting her head back swallowing it with a smirk.  Her appearance changed and she looked like me now.  She jumped up and ran down the hallway.  I quickly jumped up to my feet and ran after her.  She ran into class 1-A

"Aizawa Aizawa Toga she's here and she tried to attack me looking like Todoroki" I heard her exclaim to Aizawa.  I burst into the room

"She's lying Aizawa really" I exclaimed breathlessly 

"What?  What's going on?" Aizawa asked looking back and forth between us two a scowl on his face

"I don't know how she got in here but-"

"Shut up" he shouted trying to erase my quirk first but nothing happened.  As he turned to look at Toga she pounced at him the disguise melting away as she tried to slash at him.  I ran over grabbing her arm she slashed at me with her other hand giving Aizawa enough time to compose himself and tie her up.  She thrashed around trying to break free trying to bite me as I grabbed her knives

"Midoriya what happened?" Aizawa asked me as he tightened the ropes around her

"I don't really know but she stole Todoroki's phone and poisoned him to get closer to me I don't know how she got in here though" I explained quickly my mind buzzing

"I see I can take care of this from here go take care of that cut" he reassured me, I nodded slowly.  I turned around my shoulders trembling as I walked down the hallway to Recovery Girl's office even though the cut wasn't that bad but when I got to her office she told me otherwise after examining it for a few seconds

"That seems pretty deep normally you would have needed stitches for that" she explained kissing me on the forehead the cut sealing itself.

"Thanks" I smiled weakly

"You must have gotten quite the scare there realizing your friend wasn't really your friend" she smiled back

"Well I had a few suspicious before and I just wanted to test it but I didn't expect it to go that far" I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly

"Well that's interesting you're very observant about your friends to notice those small things" she commented

"I think Toga was feeling a bit rushed because she made a lot of mistakes" I explained 

"I see" 

"I should get going though thank you again" I bowed to her as I left

"Bye bye" She waved to me.  I shut the door behind me and jogged back to class 1-A.  The police had arrived already and were taking Toga away in handcuffs

"I'll be back for you Izuku" She purred as I walked by.  I shivered not really wanting to know what she meant by that.  

"Aizawa" I called as I got into the room

"Midoriya good job at catching her because I didn't suspect anything" He smiled faintly "After school I should go visit Todoroki to make sure he's alright you said she poisoned him right?"

"Yeah to get him out of the way with some sort of flu virus" I explained

"Hm I was a bit confused when I saw him come in this morning because his sister had called in earlier" he scratched his chin

"Can I come with you to see Todoroki?" I asked fidgeting with my hands

"I don't see why not" he shrugged "but lunch is almost over get to your seat" I nodded sitting down at my desk.  Class resumed as normal no one knew about what happened at lunch but I would explain to everyone later.  I didn't pay attention at all in class.

(A.N. This is not the end I plan on writing one more chapter for this story)

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