Is this Gay?

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EDIT: So, weebingIsMyHobby is responsible for this.  I have nothing else to say for myself, I'm making memes instead of writing.  Thank you for your time.

(A.N. so first off Thanks for over 50 reads second off I don't really know where I'm going with this fanfiction so we'll see)

Midoriya [POV]

Todoroki got up and started to sift through his bag getting out clean clothes.  To my surprise he grabbed me by the wrist pulling me up along with him to the bathroom

"Todoroki what are you doing?" I asked but he just continued to pull me into the bathroom locking the door behind us "Todoroki I got changed"

"So?" he raised one eyebrow putting his clean clothes on the sink

"So I don't need to be in the bathroom with you" I insisted my face flushing red as he pulled his shirt off over his head

"Does this bother you?" he asked dropping his shirt to the floor

"Well....," I trailed off looking down at the ground my face burning up "N-N-No"

"Good" He responded

"But I don't see why you had to pull me in here too" I insisted fidgeting with my hands

"That's because I wanted to have some time alone with you" he purred leaning in to me I held up my hands defensively.

"Todoroki what are you talking about?" I asked nervously.  Before I could protest anymore Todoroki pressed his lips to mine forcefully.  My eyes widened with surprise.  I tried to push him away but he was being persistent.  I hated to do this but I bit him hard on this lip until I tasted blood.  He loosened up and I pushed him away.  He stumbled back wiping blood from his mouth

"Aw you're no fun" He smirked I reached back unlocking the door and throwing it opened

"What the HELL Todoroki" I shouted slamming the door.  My face was red as a tomato by now but I didn't care.

"Whoa Midoriya what's going on?" Momo asked quickly

"Nothing, I'm going home" I responded grabbing my stuff from the ground

"What, why?  Midoriya what happened" she asked again

"Ask ice prince over there" I snapped as Todoroki came out of the bathroom still shirtless blood dripping down his chin onto the floor.  I went out the front door slamming it behind me.  Sure I could have been overreacting a bit but I was surprised by his actions and I didn't like them.

Momo [POV]

After Midoriya stormed out I turned around to Todoroki

"Aw he's no fun" He frowned scratching at the back of his neck

"What happened Todoroki?  What did you do?" I asked nervously

"Nothing" he shrugged with a smirk

"Icy Hot what the Hell Deku doesn't just get mad for the sake of it what did you do?" Bakugo shouted

"I didn't do anything he was overreacting" he shrugged innocently

"Where did that blood come from?" I asked

"Hm?" He asked wiping the blood from his lip but it continued to flow dripping down his face 

"Where did it come from?" I repeated

"Like I said he overreacted a bit but I think I should go now" he smiled pulling his shirt over his head and grabbed his bag and started to walk away

"What is up with him?" I whispered quietly shaking my head as I heard the front door slam loudly

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