Chapter 2- the news

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Rebecca's POV -

So I woke up the sound of the most annoying alarm clock EVER !!! I woke up earlier than everyone else so I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of frosties and went and signed into twitter and flicked through my feed and ate my ceral after about 15 minutes Courtney got up and grabbed an apple and sat on the sofa and turned the TV on she sat there for a good few 15 mins and then she got up and said that we need to go up stairs and get ready for the last day in our school because my dad is in the military and my mum is a movie director so me and Courtney have been in about 12 different schools since we were little but this time it was a bigger move than around the uk !! WE ARE MOVING TO CALIFORNIA !!!! But that means leaving my amazing best friends and also moving away from Charlie. 😭me and him have been together for 2 years and we are moving across the world in a week so I am SUPER sad as you could probaley imagine !!!

Courtney's POV -

We are moving across the world away from my best friends but closer to my heroes (o2l) me and Rebecca have loved them since they first came together I may have a tiny (massive) crush on JC CAYLEN OMG his smile though and his cheeks ahhh so cute

Charlie's POV -

My amazing and gorgeous girlfriend is moving across the world to live in California I will miss her with all my heart and always love her but we have one week left together and it is our 2 year anniversary on Thursday so we are going out for a romantic meal for the last time I imagine 😢

Rebecca's POV-

After Courtney warned me we have to Go to school today I ran up stairs and jumped in the shower got out and curled my long brown hair and then did me normal simple makeup and got on just a simple black skater skirt and a white plain vest And my red flannel. By the time I was done I walked downstairs and Courtney was waiting by the door she said " you look pretty today" thanks so do you" I replied. Me and Courtney are really close and best friends she can help me with any problems I ever have. Then we got in the car and it was my mums day off work so she drove us to school we hugged her goodbye and went into school to be greeted by Sophie, sian and eve stood at the door. They all had red puffy eyes and had tissues in there hands. I walked over and gave them a hug and we went to drama my first lesson I have on a Tuesday and my favourite lesson of the week !!!

----- skip till the end of school -----

My friends were all stood out side waiting for me and Courtney to walk out as Soon as we do we get into a group hug and we all ended up in floods of tears then we separated and then Sophie walked up to me and gave me a wrapped box and she told me to open it and I did and it was a mint green penny board with purple wheels. And Courtney got given one it was a purple penny board with mint green wheels " I love it " me and courtney said at the same time we all giggled "we really have to go" I sadly said then I burst out into tears and all the other girls hugged me again then we walked over to where my mum was parked she gave us both a hug then we set off home.

Charlie's POV -

Rebecca was on her way to meet me on the pier in Blackpool and we were going to spend the rest of the day there and try to forget the fact that she is moving thousands and thousands of miles away. but I will love her where ever she goes. all of a sudden some girl runs up to me and starts kissing me and I thought it was Rebecca so I kissed back then I heard a cry that sound familiar and I looked up and saw that the person I was kissing was not Rebecca but her enemy Olivia graham one of the popular chicks from school. I looked around and saw Rebecca sat on a bench with her head tucked into her knees crying her heart out.

Rebecca's POV -

I was meeting charlie on the pier for a little date when I got there he had his mouth on another girls lips I cried out and he looked up at me and he gave a guilty look to me then the girl he was kissing turned around when I saw her face I ran to the nearest bench and cried my a heart out till I got a tap on the shoulder I looked up to see charlie with a guilty and upset look on his face I slapped him and grabbed my penny board and skated away not even giving him chance to explain !

Courtney's POV -

I was sat watching eastenders then In stormed Rebecca with red puffy eyes it look like she had been crying so I got up and ran after her and she ran to her room and slammed the door . I thought she was on a date with Charlie tonight ?!? What has he done to my already fragile sister if he has hurt her I will hurt him ?!?

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