Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I knew it. I knew by the way Eris was watching me that she had tempered with me and done something to provoke that situation last night. I didn't know what she did or how she did it but I was going to figure it out and pay her back for it. It was that self satisfied, smug grin on her face that almost made her look like a cat and defintively like her mother that gave it away but I didn't have proof to show Erebus. 

We had woken up early in the morning, going back to the camp and thankfully everything was back to normal but now I was ashamed of myself and how needy I had been that I jumped him first chance I got. I had tried to avoid him but he didn't let me and kept close to me, showering me in affection and demanding a lot of attention. I wasn't sure why but he might be fearing me rejecting him for what happened last night which I wasn't. I just hated Eris for it.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Hypnos interrupted my thoughts, bouncing up and down in front of me. "Nemesis wants to try and catch fish."

"There aren't any fish in the water." I replied, looking past him at her.

"Yeah but she doesn't know." He winked before jogging back to his sister.

It probably wouldn't hurt since I didn't have a real chance to go for a swim yet and they were all wearing clothes. I just shrugged and walked over to Erebus to tell him what I was planning on doing so he wouldn't freak out. He was talking to Eris and I purposefully glared at her because I wanted her to know that I knew what she had done and I wasn't forgiving her but she just smirked at me.

"I'm going swimming." I said, now ignoring her completely. "Do you want to come with?"

"Yeah, do you want to come with him?" Eris snickered, making me frown at her.

"I don't appreciate your jokes." I snapped at her. "I know that you did it! I may not be able to prove it but I know it."

She just laughed, throwing her hair over her shoulder and leaving us standing there. I got really angry, painfully aware that even if I caught her drugging me up, cursing me or whatever she did to me, she wouldn't be held responsible and that made tears well up in my eyes. I was just a random servant and she was a goddess, she'd always win. I had seen it happen so many times before, people of lower social status trying to stand up for themselves but the gods and goddesses just stomped over them and in the end they were off worse than if they had just shut up to begin with.

"What do you mean you know?" Erebus asked, lookuing after her and raising an eyebrow.

"I mean she did something to me yesterday." I hissed. "Now she is teasing me about it because she knows she can get away with it."

He noticed that I was close to crying and just pulled me in for a hug while I tried to hold onto my anger. I hadn't done anything to her and she still tried to hurt me every chance she got. She had apparently realized that threatening and beating me up was not working out in her favor, so she now resorted to playing with me and my worst fears, trying to destroy our relationship from the inside out.

And it was probably going to work out. I was accusing his daughter of committing a serious crime without any proof and he was going to defend her because he loved her and I understood that but it also hurt my feelings, knowing he wasn't going to believe me. It made me irrationally angry and I wanted to scream at him but I forced myself to calm down. There was nothing I could do about this and she may have won the battle but she didn't win the war.

"I know you don't believe me." I mumbled into his chest.

"I do actually." He huffed, making me look up hopefully. "I do believe you."

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