Ep 2 - Conflicted

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[Edited 5/23/2020: There is a bit of plot hole fixing here so if you are a new reader yaaay you don't have to suffer through the plot holes and I not have a more solid base owo]

Oh look! It's the second episode! Wow. . I survived ;w; what did you guys think of the previous episode? (If there's any of you)

--(I'm writing this story with the assumption that all readers have watched/read Naruto and Naruto Shippuden already. ""-w-)--

Since you're here, I guess you kinda liked my crap from the last episode.

So prepare yourself for another episode of crap.


Kyuubi speaking/thinking

(Prologue pt 2)


"Help the Akatsuki?" Naruto asked. "Why do you want me? What is the Akatsuki anyways?"

Konan stood still, not making a move. "We Akatsuki are the peace bringers that work in the shadows. We would like your help, Naruto. It would be most appreciated."

Naruto looked suspiciously at Black Zetsu and Konan. "Who are you then? Why should I trust you guys?"

Black Zetsu tilted his head a bit. "You ask who I am, huh? I'm known as Black Zetsu. I'm something of a communication specialist."

"My name is Konan. We want to help you too, Naruto. We want to give you a proper home. Away from the Leaf. A place you can truly call home."

That surprised Naruto. He scooted back a little and asked with more trusting eyes. "Why would you do this for me?"

Konan sighed and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and said "It's because we sympathize with you. We can understand what you're going through. You're an orphan, just like me."

Naruto squinted his eyes a bit, and then looked down at this knees. " Let me think about this. Give me some time..." Naruto laid down on his bed.

"As you wish." Konan said."I'll be waiting at the gates at 11:00 at night for two nights until you come and give me an answer. Until then, please don't tell anyone of our encounter." Then she disappeared in a flurry of paper as Black Zetsu sunk into the ground. "I'll inform Lord Pein about all that has happened."



Pein sat in his chair, propping his elbows on the armrest and leaning against his fist. Zetsu had just told him about Naruto's response.

"So that's how it is, huh...." Pein got up from his chair. "Give him two days. We'll go back after that to see what his answer is."

Zetsu nodded. "Will do."


Sasori and Deidera walked up to Konan. Deidera shoved his face towards hers. "So what was the hurry to summon us all here like that, huh?"

Konan looked him straight on the eye. "We're going to recruit a new member to the Akatsuki." She said bluntly.

"A new member?" Said Sasori. "We don't need another."

"I'll be telling everyone else about this now. We'll probably be welcoming him in two days, if he accepts so I want us to be here to greet him."

Deidera snapped his attention away from Konan,"Tch."

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