Ep 30 - Crest (Arc 5)

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(Arc 5 - Timelapse - pt 2)
Just a reminder, this is a really fast-paced chapter and a lot of things will be thrown in your face without warning.

"Please teach me medical ninjutsu, Lady Hokage!" Sakura bowed deeply towards the the said Fifth Hokage.

Lady Tsunade sighed. "You've been at this for days. Why do you want to learn medical ninjutsu so badly from me? There are plenty of good teachers out there that can help you learn. I'm busy now. I don't have the time to teach a pupil while I am the Hokage."

Sakura stayed in position, unmoving. "Please, you're the best of the best medical ninjas, and I know I will regret it if I don't learn from you. I don't want to be useless on the battlefield anymore." She almost whispered, voice trembling ever so slightly. "I want to be at least able to do something."

She straightened her back, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. "Please...I don't want to see another one of my friends die knowing I can't do anything."

Lady Tsunade stood unfazed at this act. "Is that your reasoning behind pestering me every day?" 

"Yes." Sakura immediately replied with unwavering resolve. 

Lady Tsunade sighed, "I heard that your chakra control is extremely precise. Is that true?"

"Yes, lady Hokage!" She eagerly said, with a deep head dip.

Tsunade sighed. "If you have a natural talent for chakra control, I think that it might be easier for you to learn." She stood up with a hand on her desk. "Alright, I will teach you. But I'll let you know; it is not easy to learn medical ninjutsu. So don't come crying to me if it's too hard for you."

Sakura's eyes shone with a new type of determination. "Hai, Hokage-sama! I promise I won't let you down!" She clenched her fist in victory and bowed before leaving the Hokage's office.

Lady Tsunade sighed and followed after Sakura, minor fatigue showing on her face. "I suppose I should get going too. Shizune, let's go."

A woman wearing a dark kimono with neck-length hair clutched the small pig in her arms and followed the hokage out of the room with a, "Yes ma'am!"


A little while later, the two met face to face with a member of the council. The older man had an unmistakable scar on his chin in the shape of an 'x'. A bandage covered his left eye as wrinkles litters over his face indicating his seniority.

He gave a smile that practically screamed fake. "Ah, godaime Hokage. What is this request that you had to ask of me that we had to come out on such a short notice for?"

"I'll cut to the chase, Danzo. Just what exactly are you planning?" Tsunade said cooly and a bit coldly. "You always have something up your sleeve, don't you? During the council meeting yesterday, you mentioned that team 7's open spot due to the absense of Naruto Uzumaki should be filled. Why did you offer one of your men?"

The smile on Danzo's face remained in the same passive smile. "Haha, of course I would. How could I not with the safety of the village in mind?"

Tsunade made a face at that. "Are you implying that the village's current defenses is not enough?" 

"Oh, no, my force is one that should be used in emergencies, or as the last line of defense." A chuckle came out of Danzo'z mouth. "In fact, I think that there is someone under my command that fill in that gap in the new genin team 7."

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