Ep 17- Champion

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(Arc 2 - Chunin Exams - pt 3)

Unnamed Applicant

A team was sitting in a circle with his two teammates, planning their strategy for their survival. It had already been three days since the second phase has started. They hid in the roots of a large tree as they whispered amongst each other. Seemingly agreeing on a plan, the two guys got up.

"Hey....you two....I... I have a really bad feeling about this forest.." The brown-haired girl stuttered as she got up and followed the two guys on her team.

"Don't be such a wimp. Lots of unexpected events will happen, and we gotta be ready for them!" Her teammate said. "We have to be prepared for any attacks towards us, since our teams were put against each other." 

Just as he said it, he heard a fight starting not that far away from them. A few screams filled the forest.

Their team was stopped in their tracks. "U-u-um.....should we be worried?" The girl asked, reaching a shaking hand towards her kunai pouch.

Her teammate was momentarily frozen in his tracks. In that moment, it looked like he realized the situation he was in. "No, we should hide! It sounds awfully close to us right now." He turned tail and ran towards the place they had been before. He waved them over. "Let's hide here until the attackers leave!"

Just as the last member of their team ducked behind the tree, another applicant stumbled out of a bush on the other side of the clearing. He was panting hard, and looked as if he had just saw a ghost.

"I need help...those two are chasing me..." He managed to say, just as he made eye contact with the girl. She was peeking out of the side of that tree, nervous and curious.

But when she heard him, she stumbled backwards and fell on her butt. She looked like she was about to say somrthing, but her teammate stopped her by clamping a hand over her mouth and lifting a finger to her face.

"We don't want to attract the attention of whatever's chasing him." He hissed as he locked his eyes on the person who had spoke to his team member. That genin had turned his back to his team. He appeared to be brandishing a kunai, and was shaking all over, head turning from side to side, searching for something.

The team stared through a hole, staring at the scene in anticipation.

A voice could be heard from overhead. "It is you I see. You have the scroll."
Then it sounded like the sound's source was stretching. "Which scroll do you have? I'll spare you the beati-"

"I'll handle this." Another voice from the opposite side said, cutting off the other.

The genin the two voices were addressing had been on the ground since they began talking. He was shaking even more.

The other team behind the tree was also listening with anxiety. Who are the other two?

A black-haired kid jumped down from a tree, hands in his pockets. He held a hand out towards the genin. "I searched your other two friends of yours. They obviously don't have it. Hand your scroll over."

The genin crawled away and stood up. He held his kunai in front of him. "You'll have to get it from me if you can!"

The black-haired person followed him with his eyes showing slight surprise before sighing and putting his hand in his pocket again. "Hah....that's would I thought you'd say." He shrugged and stared at the him. "Your friends took about two seconds each to take down. I wonder if you'll be any different."

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