Ep 23 - Conjoin

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(Arc 3 - Curse - pt 4)

A/N : I find imagining this chapter as an animation to be amusing to read.
{Reposted because some stuff didn't save and I rewrote the deleted parts}


"You are-"

That four-eyed kid! From the Chunin ex-

"No his name's Kabuto!" Naruto shot back.

The kid, named Kabuto, started twitching on the ground. He opened one eye.

"Oh he's awake again!" Naruto said.

Kabuto propped himself up with his elbow. "Well I see that you are as feisty as ever." He reached into his kunai pouch and pulled out another pair of glasses, then he stood up. "Hello, Naruto Uzumaki. My name's Ka-"

"Yeah I know already! Are you seriously ok after that elbow jab, Kabuto??" Naruto almost shouted.

Kabuto dusted himself off and punched up his glasses. "Well, so you're not surprised at the fact I am here, and not in the Leaf Village?"

Naruto gave him a weird look, a look of disbelief. "How the fuck am I supposed to know where I am?"


Kabuto gave Naruto a stare and stayed silent for a few seconds. Then he turned away. "Ahem, lord Orochimaru has called for you."

Naruto grumbled. "That snakey bastard! I was gonna come to him, he didn't have to drag me here!" A sudden jolt of pain came up Naruto's spine and he doubled over. 

Kabuto stared at Naruto. "Is everything okay?"

Naruto grit his teeth. "It's the damned curse mark. Its power doubled. I'm gonna kick that sannin's ass when I see him..."

Kabuto led Naruto through the maze of their underground base. They mostly walked in silence most of the way. Kabuto finally broke the silence after a little while. "You seem to know a lot about us."  Kabuto spared a glance back. "Tell me, how did you come across this information?" 

Naruto wore a blank expression, that eventually turned into an annoyed one. "Well, I have a good information system going on."

Kabuto was silent afterwards, and the two finally reached their destination. It led to a big opening for a large underground cave. Naruto scanned the whole area. No exits I see.

Kabuto kept on walking until they walked to a chair near the end of the cave. 

Then lo and behold, the snake sannin himself walked right around the corner. Almost immediately a tic mark appeared on Naruto's forehead.

Almost immediately, Naruto disappeared from view, only appearing on top of Orochimaru with a fist clocked with chakara and aimed straight at the sannin's head.

Orochimaru easily sidestepped the blow and Naruto punched the ground, creating a crater in the spot where the snake was standing at a moment before.. Slowly, with a glint in his eye, his head snapped towards Orochimaru, his KI leaking out. Kabuto didn't flinch at the showing in front of him.

"Why did you bring me here, Orochimaru?"

The snake sannin chuckled at the irritation Naruto was letting out. "Well, I wanted to see you, Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. You're very interesting, so I wanted to make an offer to you."

Naruto exhaled. "Well actually, I was looking for you as well. I guess I should thank you for saving me the trouble of finding you."

Orochimaru smirked. "Is it the Leaf Village? Did they send you on this mission?"

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