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[tell me a pretty lie rather than the harsh truth.]

park jimin

"namjoon. what's up?" i asked him.

"the sky. but where are you? mom's getting worried." he said and i could feel him rolling his eyes.

"nearby café with a classmate. i'll be back at like 6:15. okay? tell mom that. bye." i said as i ended the call. i looked at jungkook. he looks like a lost bunny. i smiled.

"what's wrong, jungkoook?" butterflies flew in my stomach. damn, stop that feeling, jimin. but jungkook's eyes widened and he flushed.

"n-nothing." he looked down as i smirked. he's so cute when he flushes. i looked down as well. after a while of awkward looking down, i cleared my throat.

"uh, i'm just wondering if i, you know, can get your phone number?" i ask him while fidgetting with my fingers. he blinked once, twice then laughed.

"of course!" jungkook grabbed his phone out from his pocket. we exchanged phones and added each other's phone number to our phones. jungkook then got up and went to taehyung. then a text came.

joon hyung: when r u coming back? mom is making dinner alr

i groaned. i don't want to leave jungkook. what? oh my god, that sounded wrong. my phone rang and i smiled at the screen.

"yes, jungkook?" i asked as i tried to suppress a laugh. i heard taehyung's soft laughter in the background.

"do you want a chicken wrap or salmon sandwich?" he asked, another smack sounding from the background. i turned around and saw the duo having so much fun. a pang of jealousy filled my stomach.

"salmon," i growled in a low husky voice. the duo stopped and jungkook's beautiful laugh faded away. i widened my eyes and realised my mistake.

"u-uh, i-i gotta go. sorry, j-jungkook," i said quickly and grabbed my stuff. i threw my drink on my way out and somehow managed to hang up as well.

"go chase your boyfriend." taehyung teased as jungkook playfully slapped him again.

when i finished dinner, i received a text. i turned on my phone and a smiled slowly crept up my face.

jungkook: hyung, r u ok? 😟

<school next day>

just, as usual, girls batted their eyelashes when they see me. i groaned as i parted ways with namjoon hyung, as he attends the block next to me. namjoon hyung is quite friendly with my friends as well. i greeted seokjin hyung and went to find hoseok hyung. but guess who i found first?

jeon jungkook.

"jimin hyung!" jungkook shouted. i turned the opposite side, hoping he'll lose me in the crowd of people. but being the taller one, of course, he found me.

"hyung!" he pulled me to a corner, "why are you hiding from me?" he pouted. my heart melted a bit, but i kept my cool.

"what do you want?" i asked coldly. he backed away from me for a bit. i caught his eyes for a second and saw the fear shining in his eyes. holy crap, am i that scary?

"i-i wanted to check on y-you." he stuttered. i raised my eyebrows, "why?"

"you were so moody yesterday. i-i'm worried, hyung." jungkook whispered. i swear my heart will leap out of my chest if i didn't catch my breath.

"and you left. i-i didn't know what to do." he said, a little louder. i smiled, at least he cares. but he could've gone to chase me or something. then hoseok hyung's voice came to my senses: he's just a kid! give him a chance! don't scold him if he does something wrong.

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