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[when you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.]

jeon jungkook

jimin hyung didn't come to school for a few weeks. when i asked hoseok hyung and seokjin hyung do they know where he is, they both said no. goddamn, i'm so worried,

i spent nights after nights at taehyung hyung's café just thinking why won't jimin hyung come to school. sick? nah. he would've told hoseok hyung or seokjin hyung or yoongi hyung. vacation? maybe, but yet again, the others would know. taehyung hyung came to my side and placed down my order of green tea latte and salmon sandwich.

"so? everything good with jimin hyung?" he asked. my heart ripped open a little bit. after a few days of jimin hyung not-going-to-school, i've admitted to myself that i might have a crush on him, but never to my parents.

"no, he's gone. he didn't go to school for a few weeks already. i'm worried." i said and took a sip from my green tea latte. holy crap, it's so hot.

"did you try-- wait, did you say you're worried?" taehyung hyung asked, emphasising on the word 'worried'. i nodded. his boxy smile appeared. it faded quickly as he asked, "did you try and message him?" i rolled my eyes. is that even a question? of course i did, or else i won't ask taehyung hyung for help.

jimin: I'm fine.

i immediately noticed something different from all texts: he's using caps. i tapped tae hyung's shoulder and told him to come to see as well. he grabbed a pen and paper tissue, but i had no idea what he was going to do.

jimin: Mess this up. Ink Nibble

jimin: Check once. Take Away mE HandlE with carE

i looked at all texts that do not make one bit of sense to me at all. however, taehyung hyung was writing down stuff the paper tissue.

jimin: h0us3

i peered down and what tae hyung wrote on the paper tissue.

im in c. taehee house

"holy crap, you're smart, hyung." i breathed, even though i don't know who c. taehee is. he shrugged, "no big deal. i'll ask seokjin hyung where he lives, okay?"

after a few dials, we finally got taehee's address. and it's in the outskirts of town.

<time skip>

we parked taehyung hyung's minivan outside of taehee's house. it looks creepy on the outside already. it's a 3-storey building with black bricks in the exterior, a single light shining from the third floor. i pointed up there, telling tae hyung to look up.

"let's go save your boyfriend." he joked. i silently blushed at the comment but smacked him in the arm.

"shut up," i said. he only laughed loudly.

park jimin


i bit back tears as the leash came in contact with my bare chest. i opened my eyes slowly and weakly, looking at my own reflection: a monster, yet he's not me.

"s-stop, h-hyung." i whimpered. he raised the leash but put it down. he smirked as he came closer to me. i closed my eyes tightly.

"beg, baby boy." he whispered into my ear. he back away to observe my expression, and i knew if i show any signs of weakness, he'll love it.

"h-hyung, w-why are y-you doing th-this?" i asked, not daring to look at him. he used his right hand to grab my cheeks, forcing me to look at him.

"i love you, baby boy. you were so precious, so funny when you flirt. that day when i told you off, i didn't mean it. i wanted to apologise for my mistake. i couldn't find you after that and you weren't even flirting with me anymore. then that jungkook came. i'm going to make you mine tonight, with jeon jungkook watching." he smiled, but i only see evilness and cruelty in his eyes, seeing the horror of my eyes in my reflection as well.

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