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[it does not matter if your sexuality is different, i still love you for who you are. you're still you.]
park jimin

"i was twelve when i stepped out of the closet," i told jungkook, who was lying on my lap. i combed his hair with my left hand softly, and he suddenly looked up towards me.

"is it..."

"no, it's not taehee. it's another boy, called... chiwon, choi chiwon. anyway, my stepdad did not accept that at first. he was so mad, i thought he'd throw me out of the house. but namjoon hyung told my stepdad it doesn't change me if i'm gay. my stepdad ignored me for a solid month before he told me that he accepts me for who i am. he did look a bit uncomfortable when i brought chiwon back home. he kinda looked like he's going to explode." i laughed. i could fell jungkook shaking with laughter along with me.

"what? he said he accepts you and yet he looks like a volcano when he saw you and chiwon together?" he asked. i nodded, trying to suppress a smile creeping up my lips. he broke into fits of laughter while trying to sit up.

"tell me how you knew your parents are homophobic after i come back from getting food, okay?" i got up without waiting for his response.

jeon jungkook

jimin came back with two large bags of chips and two cups of hot chocolate. he handed me one of each and sat down next to me. i watched him trying to open the bag of chips as i tried to hold back a laugh. he caught me and huffed.

"don't just sit there, help me!" he puffed out his cheeks as a three-year-old does. i laughed and opened mine easily. jimin quickly grabbed, like, five pieces and stuffed them all into his mouth. i wonder how big is his mouth sometimes, given that he could stuff so many chips in his mouth.

"so? are you gonna tell me how did you found out your parents are homophobic?" jimin asked, taking a sip of the delicious brown drink right after the question. he had chip bits on his lips and instead of telling him to wipe it off himself, i helped him do the hard work. 

my fingers tingled as i touched his lips and his eyes widened. he looked so cute with the rosy yet puffy cheeks and the lighting of the backyard. yes, in case you didn't know, we're in jimin's backyard. i let my hand slip down onto his waist and leaned my head on his shoulders.

"i think it was three years ago. my aunt brought home a girl and told everyone that the girl was her girlfriend. i didn't mind at all. even if my parents told me it's a sin, i don't care. i mean, love is love, right? it doesn't change your personality or how you treat others if you love the same gender, so i always thought it was okay. i always pretend i'm straight in front of my parents, but deep down, i always question my own sexuality. am i gay? bisexual? actually straight? blah blah.

okay back to my aunt. my mom heard that and she literally stomped out of the kitchen. she told my aunt to come with her. all i remembered was screaming and crying. after my aunt came out, she yelled at my mom saying what did i do to deserve a horrible sister like you. then she grabbed her girlfriend and never came back. also, my aunt's girlfriend was very nice to me and rosie. even though we only knew her for an hour, it felt like she's our biological mother instead of my mom." i finished, grabbing my chocolate to drink. god, when i was talking, all my throat did was screaming 'thirsty' at me, which didn't help with anything. jimin slowly nodded. then he frowned.

"an hour? have you ever asked your mom what happened inside?" he asked. i shook my head, i was too scared. all those screaming and crying still haunt my dreams sometimes.

"kookie-ah." jimin said softly, looking down at me. i placed my chin on his shoulder instead of my cheek so i could face him properly. i hummed. god, i just love that nickname.

"w-what if you tell your mom or your parents you're gay? w-will they treat you like how your m-mom treated your a-au-aunt? i don't want you to get h-hurt for l-lov-loving me." his voice lowered to a whisper as if he's telling a secret to me. i sighed into his neck, making him shiver.

"i don't know what they'll do. i haven't got the confidence to ask them again since last week. but if i get hurt for you, it's worth it." i smiled weakly, looking into his perfect eyes. he stared back at me as well. he lifted me up until we're on the same level and leaned closer. his gaze flickered between my lips and my eyes.

"why?" he asked in his low, husky seductive voice that gets me every time. and he knows it. he smirked at me, watching me gulp. but instead of backing away like he'd expect me to do, i leaned in closer, making him the one who gulped this time.

"because you're park jimin, and you deserve the whole world and boy, your worth? your worth is more expensive than all the diamonds combined in the world. because you're a star. because you're you. because you're mine."

and i smashed my lips into his.

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