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[where did the promises we made together go? did they disappear along with the time we spent together?]

park jimin

"so you're trying to use me to make hoseok hyung jealous?" i asked. yoongi hyung nodded.

"he's been flirting with your stepbrother recently, and i don't like it. at all." yoongi hyung complained.

"no wonder i see him after school in the kitchen with namjoon hyung every day." i joked. yoongi hyung glared at me, and it looks like he's about to kill.

suddenly, yoongi hyung slammed me into one of the lockers and had his face very close to mine. i tried not to move away since it made me uncomfortable. it immediately made me think of jungkook. jungkook! where is he? i haven't seen him at school this morning. 

"thanks, jimin." yoong hyung pulled away and dusted off himself. i scoffed, am i really that dirty? my phone rang, signalling i have a new message. i pulled out my phone from my pocket and saw the contact: jungkookie ❤

i smiled and pressed into his chat and listened to his voice message.

"jimin. i miss you. please come back." flashbacks haunted my mind once again, making me regret ever starting a relationship with jungkook.

"jimin! come on! we're gonna be late!" i put my phone away, debating inside whether or not i should reply to jungkook. but i grabbed my books and ran behind yoongi hyung, hoping i won't be late.

<after school>

i went to taehyung's café subconsciously after school. seokjin hyung followed me to taehyung's café and tae was so glad to see his boyfriend.

"seokjin hyung!" tae exclaimed from behind the counter. seokjin hyung ran to him and peppered him with kisses. i sat down on one of the seats as they caught up with each other. i scrolled through the voicemails and got into a missed one. from jungkook. just from yesterday.

"jiminie hyung, please text me back or call me." taehyung and seokjin hyung stopped chatting at the voice of jungkook.

"i'm s-sorry for ignoring you. i'm s-sorry that i got h-hurt and made y-you feel b-bad. but it w-was worth it. like i s-said, y-you w-worth so much m-more..." then a thud sounded before jungkook hung up. holy crap, what happened to him? i turned to taehyung.

"do you know what happened?" i asked.

"uh, jungkook's dad told me jungkook's in the hospital." taehyung said. 

"which one!"

"chim, chill! there's only one hospital in this area in seoul. i'll drive you there, okay?" seokjin hyung offered. we both nodded.


"hello, sirs. who are you looking for?" the nurse in the reception asked the three panting teenagers. 

"jeon jungkook." seokjin hyung answered since i'm way too anxious to say anything and taehyung is just gripping on seokjin hyung's wide shoulders for balance.

"room 402. take the lift to the fourth floor and the first door to the left is his room." the nurse gave us the directions.

we ran to the nearest lift without saying thank you to the very confused nurse.

<room 402>

when we arrived in room 402, we saw jungkook's dad outside of the room.

"mr... mr jeon, is... jungkook in there?" taehyung panted. mr jeon opened his mouth but looked at seokjin hyung with questions in his eyes. 

"you are...?" mr jeon asked. seokjin hyung stood taller and extended his hand for mr jeon to shake.

"kim seokjin, sir. taehyung's, um, boyfriend." seokjin hyung smiled at taehyung sweetly. i swear my heart melted. they're just couple goals.

"nice to meet you, seokjin. uh, jungkook told me if tae came, i should call him in," mr jeon said, "so you can go in, tae. i'll tell the nurses." tae nodded, thanked mr jeon, and went in.

my heart dropped to the depths of the ocean. why didn't jungkook ask for me? i'm his boyfriend! then i thought back. maybe seokjin hyung or hoseok hyung told him about yoongi hyung and me. crap.

kim taehyung

i walked in and saw a pale, skinny jungkook. i quickly ran to him and hugged him softly, hoping not to hurt him in anyways.

"oh my god, kook, were you eating?" i asked as i settled myself on the chair next to the bed. he shook his head.

"why didn't you called for jimin hyung? he's outside," i asked. jungkook immediately stiffened.

"uh, you know, hoseok hyung told me that yoongi hyung and jiminie hyung was quite close. my dad told me he was with yoongi hyung just then as well. i-i shouldn't be jealous, i know. i should've known jiminie hyung wouldn't answer my texts or calls." jungkook sighed. i raised my eyebrows. what? then i knew what he was talking about. i burst into laughter.

"no! hoseok hyung- haha! yoongi hyung wanted to make hoseok hyung jealous, so he asked jimin hyung to help him. jimin hyung told me yesterday that they just started doing it and it'll end soon. he told me to tell you but i couldn't find you. he also told me to tell you he still loves you." i said, trying to fix the mistakes jimin hyung made by not telling jungkook the truth. jungkook's phone suddenly rang.

jeon jungkook

"jiminie hyung! you finally called me! why don't you come in?" my face immediately lit up when i saw the contact. meanwhile, a nurse came in and told taehyung to go. i waved goodbye to him.

"jungkookie ah, please take care. and i decided we should take a break." my heart broke and i froze. take a... break?

"jiminie, why?" i asked eagerly, my voice trembling due to the fact i'm on the verge to cry, "am i not good enough? am i a bad boyfriend am i-"

"no, jungkookie. it's just... i don't want you to get hurt ever again. every single person that loved me got hurt. my mom suffered from depression and anxiety when my father left because she had me. my stepdad got teased and poked fun at by his friends because i'm an openly gay stepson of his. namjoon hyung got bullied after the people in his grade knew he has a stepbrother like me.

and out of everyone i loved, i loved you the most. and you got hurt so badly just because you loved me. don't get me wrong, jungkookie, please. you're the best i could ever ask for. but we should break up, it's better for both of us. you won't get hurt this way. please forget me, find another one who you could love freely without being scared of getting hurt, who will treat you better than i ever did, who will love you more than i ever did. i love you so much, jungkookie, but i can't take myself to see you get hurt again and again just because you love me. remember, i love you with all my heart, kookie." he hung up. a single drop of tear fell to my snow white blanket. i lower my phone and let my tears flow freely.

"but you're the best i could ask for as well, jiminie hyung." i muttered to no one in particular.

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