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[why is it so dark when you're not here?]

park jimin

"jimin hyung! are you okay?" taehyung asked me. i snapped out of what i was thinking and looked at taehyung. he's so happy with seokjin, and of course, i'm happy for him. but i'm here reconsidering the fact that i broke up with the love of my life. why can't we turn back time? why can't jungkook's parents be not homophobic? 

"i'm fine, tae. it's just i- i regret breaking up with jungkookie." i sighed. seokjin looked at taehyung and told taehyung that he will handle the situation while taehyung work at the cafe.

"hey, jiminie." seokjin lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him, "everything's going to come around, okay? you broke up with him because it's what's best for him, right?" 

i nodded, recalling the horrible screaming and shouting i heard two months ago. i'm not going to let jungkook hurt again just because he loves. 

"then jungkook should understand. he shouldn't be angry at you for breaking up with him. which he isn't. everything's okay now. maybe he found a girl that could make him happy and his parents won't disagree, who knows?" seokjin smiled at me. but instead, i felt tears.

"but, hyung, i still love him." i said, not able to look at seokjin in the eye, "i know i should be happy if he's happy, but... i..." 

tears fell out of my eyes unconsciously, "jiminie, it's okay. i know how it feels. it takes time."

i nodded after a few minutes. wiping my tears with my sweater paws, i stood up, put on the working apron and went out to the cafe. it's afterschool right now, so a lot of students come to taehyung's cafe to revise, do assignments or basically chill.

"hello, what do you want today?" i asked without looking up. i looked up after managing some cash, and i realised i made a huge mistake. it's the one and only jeon jungkook. the boy i was crying about. i took a deep breath and put on my best smile.

"um, hi, jimin hyung." jungkook said shyly while scratching the nape of his neck. i remembered how he used to do that every time i flirt with him. 

"what do you want, sir?" i asked once again.

"grande caramel frappe and grande latte." jungkook said. behind him was a girl that has blonde hair and dark brown eyes. 

"jungkook-ah, is that your girlfriend?" i asked politely. if he's happy with her, then i'm happy. i kept telling myself. 

"yes. yujin noona, this is jimin hyung. jimin hyung, this is yujin noona." jungkook introduced. the girl looked up me up and down before bowing very briefly. 

"that's your ex? please, kook-ah, you know how to choose." yujin muttered. i looked down as i typed in jungkook's orders.

"that would be 9518 won, jungkook," i said. jungkook gave me the exact amount and i told him to wait by the counter, thinking to myself: what just happened?

two weeks later

when i'm doing my homework, my phone rung and a message from a contact i haven't seen in my home screen for so long appeared.

hyung can we talk


thanks for 100 reads!! go to my profile and check out my high school au of "the only one" thanks!

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