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[take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria.]

jeon jungkook

weeks and months went by. after jimin's kidnapping, i'm certain that i'm gay. the way my heart flutters at all his silly movements, butterflies in my stomach when he calls me and pounding heartbeats when he talks about me are all solid proof.

just not long before, mr chi gave us a group project to do and since it's a week until the due date, jimin hyung would come to my home after school for the projects or i'd go to his. to be honest, i love jimin hyung's family more than i love my own one. jimin hyung's mom supports jimin hyung, whether his decisions or his sexuality, no matter what. jimin hyung's stepdad loves jimin with all his heart and kim namjoon hyung is, like, the perfect brother material.

"jungkook-ah," my butterflies flew back into my stomach, "what were you thinking?" i looked at the angel in front of me. he recently dyed his hair cherry blossom pink, which made him cuter and even more handsome.

"probably about you." taehyung hyung joked. oh right, we were at his café. seokjin hyung is heading over so taehyung told us to go as soon as possible. he obviously wants some personal time with his boyfriend, but he doesn't have to shoo us away, right? at taehyung's comment, jimin hyung blushed. i slapped taehyung hyung on the arm, making sure it at least hurts a bit.

"shut up, hyung. anyway, we should go now, jimin-ssi," i smirked at jimin's reaction. he loved this nickname and i don't even know why. we said goodbye to taehyung and went to the direction of my family's house.

"jungkook-ah, does your family, you know, supports lgbt?" jimin suddenly asked. i looked at him and slowly shook my head. jimin replied with a soft "oh" and looked down at the ground. i suddenly felt like i'm kind of insulting him telling him my family is homophobic.

"but, uh, they don't know you're gay. they don't know i'm gay as well." my eyes widened as well as jimin's. we both stopped in our tracks. holy crap. i think i low-key confessed to jimin. i dug into the deepest of my mind to find a way to joke this off, but i couldn't find one. not even a single one. so i chose the most stupid way.

"i-i mean, uh--"

"it's okay. you probably just slipped those words to make me feel better. they don't mean anything. you're straight, i know." jimin smiled sadly at me and continued to walk. that's it, i thought, i'm going to confess or else i'd die with regret flowing through my body constantly. so i grabbed his hand and turned him around. i pulled him closer to me until our faces are only inches apart.

"jimin-ssi, i thought i was straight as well. i was taught at a very young age that loving the same gender is a sin, that god will punish you if you do so. but you changed me completely. you made me question my own sexuality the second i laid eyes on you. oh god, i thought, this boy is so pretty. i became gay because of you, jimin-ssi. i never got to tell anyone how my heart flutters when you do all those silly movements, how butterflies fill my stomach when you call my name, or how my heart pounds so hard when you talk about me. jimin-ssi, i-i love you." i said, nearly out of breath. i looked down at the smaller male. his eyes softened, and he tip-toed. our lips contacted. i guess i'm lucky that we're closer to taehyung's cafeé than my family's house. jimin broke off the kiss but placed his forehead against mine.

"i love you too, kookie."

<jungkook's house>

when we arrived at my home, my parents are more than happy to see jimin. they only see jimin as a polite and helpful young teenager, never as a gay boy. i grabbed a few snacks and drinks and went straight up to my room. we started doing the project for about an hour or so, then i asked him a question.

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