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Aruban pov;

Finally I feel relieved because The king Ethan Ron is goes out because his second commander want to meet him . Now I have to think about how can I contact commander Jordan . How???? I have to think about how can i rescue  king of Siopia . So he can go back to his kingdom .

When I meted commander Jordan he told me that whenever the problem came towards me then I can contact  old healer his name is Robin , so that he can contact commander Jordan.
Yes!!!! I have to do something so that the king can called the old healer.
Whenever I get suffered so that he called healer , but he always called the women healer and I think Robin is the man . Now what can I do ???? why can't i will hurt myself something big so that when i'm suffering  he definitely called the healer .
Then the maid came in the harem's and said the king want to meet me in prison .
In my mind" why he want to meet me in the prison???? Should he going to do something bad with my king, please god help me!!!! so he can not hurt my king.

Now I'm going to the prison to meeting the king Ethan Ron . When I enter the prison I saw king of Siopia is laying on earth his head is bleeding and his hand locked by handcraft or legs are chained . I run toward him and hug him . I crying out loud because I'm responsible for his condition ....why I runned from the palace?????? why i gone to meet him???? why????
Then the king Ethan Ron griped my arm and lift me upward and pulled me toward his side and he joined his lips to mine . I started punching his chest but it like nothing for him he bite my lower lip I moaned in pain he grab the opportunity and took his tongue inside my mouth . I wouldn't able to breathe but I can't stop my tears, rolling down from my eye's to my cheeks . Then suddenly he leave me.After that i'm breathing heavily, he caught my wrist and gently kissed my hand plum . I looked toward's him shockley because I don't expect him to begin gentle with me  .

Then the king Ethan Ron said he want to asked me some questions and i have to give him the truthful answer because if i lie to him then i cannot handle his anger. I nodded my head and said yes my lord I will give you right answer . 

First question my rainbow bird ; Did you know the name of commander of this bastard????????????? he sighed his index finger toward's the king of siopia .

In my mind  answer ; yes I knew about it but I can't told you .

The real answer toward my side ; NO i don't 

He said You are lying my rainbow bird because i can see it in your eyes. The fear in your eyes said's everything . Don't worry i gave you another chance .

Second question; Did you know how to contact him ???

In my mind answer; yes I knew about it

The answer toward my side ; No i don't know about it .

I can see the anger in his eyes , he told me . I done the wrong thing again, then he leaned in my ear and said that Now i want to see you naked right now so, take off your all clothes my rainbow bird....... 

  King's Ethan Ron pov;

right now , I'm very angry . I just want to show that bastard!!!!!! king of siopia that his fairy is mine and i will do!! what i want to do with her . then i told her she did the wrong thing again , i leaned in her ear and said " Now i want to see you naked right now so, take off your all clothes my rainbow bird......." She is shocked , she didn't moved her place like she didn't want to believed her ear what i said . then i  twist her arm and said you heard me right my rainbow bird because you are my whore right now!!!!!!!! So do what i said to you . She fallen on the ground and crying silently . she said with the hic....cups....'t .

Right my rainbow bird i don't do this to you in front of this mother fucker then i  walk toward the king of siopia . I kicked his ripped another painful cry left in his lip's and i smirked slightly  . Called me the monster , but i enjoyed making he feel pain .

Then i turn around and saw my rainbow bird , I listen her pleas , her cry , her screams , but makes me feel satisfied . She lie to me because of him . It's making my blood boiled . How can she do this to me!!!! I LOVE HER !!!!! 

I listen to king of Siopia pleas , his cries , his screams, but they did nothing but make me feel satisfied . maybe i should have a little mercy on him . After all, i just needed some information from him . But when i saw my rainbow is in the same stage as he is .

 I scream on her side!!!!!! Why rainbow bird you are  too hardheaded and too loyal toward him . Why????????                                                                                                                                                                         It's you my rainbow bird !!!! you lefted no choice for me expect  to torture him until i got what i wanted . So i can't have mercy on him because you are not cooperating with me . 

Then she begged from me. "Please my lord don't hurt him in this way . Then she said , i will tell you everything ,please my lord..... Then I griped her arm and dragged her out of prison . I start walking toward's harem and drag with her . 

I threw her on the bed , she trying to get up then . I pulled her arms toward my side so I can see her face , her face remind me the past when she's gentle towards me . When she said , she always be with me . But now i can see only hate towards me in his eyes . why!!!!!!!???

 Why she don't wants to be with me now ???? Why????? Did she not meant what she said i past ???? Did she regret her saying the things to me ????

I couldn't control myself right now . Then I said, Do rainbow bird what I said to you when we are in prison . She starts crying tears are falling from her eyes but it's nothing to compare my pain .

She is not saying anything nor doing . Then I scream on her "REMOVED YOUR ALL CLOTH RIGHT NOW" !!!!!!!

She is trembling due to fear , but not doing anything . She said "Please my lord , I will do anything , anything you want . I'II be however you want , please don't do this to me . Please don't be like this , i beg you." She grabbed my ropes, and begging to me . The fear flashed in his eyes .

"Everyone out!!!! I do not want anyone to stay !!!Leave us, right now!!" I barked out the command , which every single person present in the harem followed without objection . Sooner than the harem was empty of everyone except me and my rainbow bird.

  Then I grips her hand and climbed over her body . I start tear off her clothes , she trying to hold her clothes tightly so I can't tear her clothes but I catch her both hand and grips it tightly with one hand and start torn out her clothes she try to punched me and kicking me but it doesn't work out on me . When I torn out her all clothes . I threw her on the bed again she try to covered her naked body to  Bedspread but I catch her small hand again . So she couldn't covered her body .

Then I start kissing her neck area  and said with low voice this is the beginning rainbow bird. She is try to pushed me .............

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