Prologue - Kelekonia

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Kelekonia, the World of Dragon Riders... home to the largest population of dragons here... or anywhere in this universe! So many subspecies, so many elemental variations in each and every dragon.

There were the dragons who ruled and harnessed the air, unbeatable in speed and as colourful as the sky, the noble Sky Dragons. 

Then the dragons who protected the earth. The strongest, the most warmhearted, and most connected to the earth (especially in colour), the Earth Dragons. 

Next are the dragons who can command the seas, heal many wounds and wriggle free or adapt to any most situations... the silver-tongued Sea Dragons. 

Fourth, are the dragon element EVERYONE is familiar with. They can breathe dangerous tongues of their element, and survive the eruption of volcanoes, the hot-headed Fire Dragons. 

There are many more elemental dragons... there are Nature Dragons, Shadow Dragons, Light Dragons, Arcane Dragons, Snow Dragons, and the once in generations... Yin-Yang Dragons. Some studies suggest there is more, but these are the more well-known about elements. But...

Kelekonia wasn't the sort of place where a dragon could easily attack a village, or even a wild animal without assistance. That was the main downside to being a dragon here... and a reason why dragons don't usually stay 'wild' past the age of 10 for very long.

A dragon had to be connected to another being to unlock their power, but it can't be another dragon... or just anyone. Which brings us to another important subject... The Bond. 

It plays an important role in a Dragon Rider and their Dragon partner's life. It always had them mentally connected, gave them the ability to see through each others eyes, and unlocked abilities and skills hidden inside both Rider and Dragon... it was an especially notable trait for human Riders. The Bond, on a side-note... is never supposed to be broken, unless one of either Dragon or Rider dies... but that's exactly what happens to our dragon friend Sky. But before the story, what is Kelekonia ACTUALLY like?


Kelekonia's landscape varies from place to place. 

Up north is the winter-front of the Arctic, where it's cold and snowing all year long, a typical place to find Snow Dragons. 

The East leads you to the Savanna domain, where the Earth Dragons are highly regarded as symbols of good fortune and prosperity. 

Along the border between these two completely different realms, is the Volcanoes of Kelekonia, traditional homeland of the Fire Dragons. 

But on another side of this border, is the Wetlands and Monster-Zone... forbidden territory to young Riders or Dragons. 

The Centre of Kelekonia is the Jungle, home to the biggest population of Nature Dragons and Shadow Dragons. 

And then the majority of Kelekonia is forest, mountain ranges, and grasslands... while the continent itself is surrounded by a vast stretch of ocean.

There is one more place on a Map of Kelekonia, forbidden to almost EVERYONE, was the Wastelands... a whole days worth of flying of the coast of the Monster-Zone. The Wastelands is the only place to find a wild Light Dragon, but no one takes that sort of risk... especially when the Shrine there hides something within it's walls... or keeps something out.


There are many other races populating the vast stretches of the continent. There are elves, dwarfs, gnomes, goblins, monsters of all sorts,  the now (unfortunately) extinct Avian Race (winged-people), animalities (people with the features of animals)... and of course humans, among many others. Now, only elves, humans and animalities have been recorded as Dragon Riders... then again, dragons are VERY particular when choosing someone to Bond to.


Now what is this story actually about? First of all, when the Avians went extinct, a new enemy arose... the Dark Riders. They didn't always Bond with honesty to a Dragon, THOUSANDS were tricked... and then forced to do the Rider's bidding. And a Bond is never supposed to be broken... but there was one way, but after the first time it was done... it could never be done again. And our friend Sky desperately escaped her oppressive Rider... but how?


Sky had planned her escape well, learned the right methods and spells and timed it PERFECTLY. Late one night, when she was positive he was asleep, she snuck outside the Base she was currently located at. Opening a trapdoor, big enough to fit a dragon, she went into the sewer system. There she began to chant the incantation... to open a portal. But not after she stole something from the Archives... a spellbook and a totem. She brought them with her, and began the Ceremony. She had only one chance, and she knew if she succeeded in doing so, her Rider would wake and alert everyone else. But she did it!

But she was caught. There were dozens of Dark Riders and their Dragons behind her, including her own. She kept going, despite threats and attacks, she dodged and kept going forwards with her escape plan... not letting it go when she was so close.

Several painful, and exhausting hours after she was caught... that portal opened. Everyone there recoiled in shock, feeling a great tear in space-time, but Sky didn't hesitate, nor did her former Rider. She knew, and he knew, that if she were to go where she was going, and choose a new Rider there... she'd be free! As long as her former Rider didn't follow her and stop her. He ordered them to attack her, as she leapt through the portal... the attack struck her, and as she fell out the other side, she gave into the darkness of sleep.

But she was free of her former Rider... and a boy saw her fall across the sky like a shooting star.

(Author Note - After someone said this was too wordy and big, I decided to cut some of the information from it that was a BIT unnecessary at this point in time. Hope it's a lot better... Thank you to Fantasybklover for pointing this out to me.)

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