Chapter 9 - Family

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(Note: At some point during the story, won't say where, I forgot about the foursome being a five. I also forgot to write about Lance in that same part of this chapter. Just heads up, he IS present.)

Though Ryan was whining the entire time about his father constantly teasing him, being taught by the Elite Riders wasn't all that bad! For Soren anyways. Sky was sleeping, Bridgette was too excited that Windstrike had to sit on her because Yin wasn't able to (for some reason she didn't say), Fireworks was whining with Ryan, Summer was nervous, Sparktail was so excited every other dragon (meaning Inferno, Duststorm) were sitting on her. Alex wasn't helping half the time, just falling over laughing, and John was trying to calm them down. What was exciting for Soren was what learning they got done... but that was quite over-run with the amount of laughter-filled memories with the Elite's and his Team (who anonymously made him leader). The day was over and it was home-time before he knew it. 

"BYE FATHER!" Ryan said, waving.

"Not so fast young man!" Alex grabs Ryan before he can bolt, Fireworks was sitting there watching with a worried-nervous look on his face. "Your mother is freaking out about you moving out without telling her, so YOUR TEAM is coming over and EXPLAINING this to your mother. And the REST of the family."

"DAAAAD! WHYYYYY!" He wailed, Fireworks fainted in worry.

"I don't know why it's so bad to go over to say hello to Ryan's family!" Bridgette grinned. She looked at Summer, and she was sweating in fear. "Uhhhh.... something I should know?"

"MY FAMILY'S HUUUUGE! The ones that are animality anyways.... DAD WHY?!" Ryan wailed, again. Soren blinked, perplexed. Lance was sleeping on Duststorm, Duststorm was sitting on Sparktail's.... tail.... not good. Sparktail bites Duststorm and Duststorm fights back with punches and earth blasts. No one decided to intervene, but Windstrike was just yelling:

"FIIIIIIIIGHT!" at the top of his lungs. Soon Fireworks had to shut him up with a slap of his own firey tail... easy considering Windstorm wasn't exactly taller than Fireworks. How Windstorm sat on Sky, who's bigger than Fireworks, who knows.

"Dad... is Mom gonna kill me?"

"Knowing your mother... definitely. She yelled at your brother." Soren and Bridgette exchanged worried glances at each other both thinking:

What's so terrifying about Ryan's mother? Then they saw Alex's face, and they worried.


Ryan's original house was among the biggest set of houses in the Base, so his team was gawping at it's size.

"Ryan you never told me your house was THIS big!" Lance whooped, Duststorm nodded with wide eyes. "How many?"

"My family of me, Mom, Dad, Big Sister, Big Brothers and Baby Sister... as well as our three cousin families, all on Dad's side, and Dad's childhood friend's family, as in siblings and his siblings' children. So umm... a lot." Ryan shrugged. They heard loud footsteps from above, and looked up to see someone on the balcony.

"Hey Uncle Red! Your home!" It was a brown-haired boy, not much older than Ryan. Soren and Bridgette looked around, and saw Alex smiling up at the boy.

"Your dad home?" He called up, and the boy ran back inside. The front door opened a few seconds later, and the boy was there with a man who was probably his father. The man spots Alex and then Ryan, who was whimpering in fear... and he called for someone inside. Soon Alex and John were hiding behind their dragons, and a blonde-haired women came barreling out the door. She spots Ryan, who presumably was pale as a ghost, and she grabbed him in a hug.

"YOUR HOOOME! I'M SO HAPPY YOUR ALRIGHT!" She screams in joy, Ryan whimpered from between her arms. Soren noticed he was counting down in fingers. Suddenly the woman hugging Ryan snapped. "WHY THE **** DID YOU WORRY ME SICK LIKE THAT?! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME YOU WERE MOVING IN WITH YOUR TEAM! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAD TO WORRY?!" She spots Bridgette, Soren and Summer. Bridgette and Soren freeze in surprise. "Oh aren't you three rays of sunshine." Bridgette giggles a little at the irony, as in Summer's name and the term 'sunshine'. "Oh I know, the irony! Summer dear, you should have TOLD me what was happening with you and Ryan being in the same team! Like your fathers!" She glares at Windstrike, who raises a wing of where Alex was trying to act natural.

"Love you too Mom!" Soren silently says an 'oh' in noticing.

"Come in! Come in! VIX! GET OUT OF BED ALREADY IT'S BEEN FIVE HOURS!" She screams inside. John and Alex were calmly trying to get the four young Riders, their dragons, as well as Inferno (John's dragon) trying to push petrified Windstrike inside through the dragon doors while the younger four dragons followed behind. Summer has been to Ryan's house before, and so only Soren and Bridgette were gawping at the size. There were people all over, including Senior Riders Shaun and Talia. Talia was visiting with Shaun, as they moved out earlier to remain with their Team, like Ryan did. Talia ran over to say hello, by punching Alex in the shoulder and giving Ryan a head-rub.

"Hey you guys! Wasn't expecting you to visit! How've you been?" She said in her bright and excited voice. Ryan's mother, Amelia (call her Amy), was yelling up one of the three hallways. The hallways were set up so that around eight people had an individual room, four on ground level, four on the upper level with stairs leading up to them. The Dragon Stables for the house had a sign for who inhabited them, and only a few did... not surprising showing that many of the house's inhabitants were Animalities. "Come sit down! We can introduce you to everyone!"

"Talia, no offense, but there's dozens of us living here."

"No offense YOU know your related to over HALF of them, because they are your cousins! Like me. Or MAYBE that's why HE moved out." She points to Shaun, slouching on the chair, looking bored as another young man waved happily at Ryan and the Team. "You still haven't moved out with your Team, have you Alex?" Alex scowls and decided to help Amelia wake 'Vix' up. Ryan runs up the stairs that way too and bangs on the door. Summer goes off to check out the dragon stables, leaving Soren and Bridgette alone.

"Don't worry!" Talia grins. "Lot of the people living here are out at the moment, so there's not many here as usual."

"Uh... thanks?" Bridgette shrugs at Soren, he shrugs back. Talia begins shoving the two to the lounges where Shaun and the other young man were sitting. He greeted them with a kind and forgiving tone, the forgiving part of his tone was a normal thing.

"Hey there! Nice to meet you, my name's Zavier." Zavier kicks Shaun, who groans in defiance from his nap. "You've already met my older brother." He points at Shaun. Soren notices that Shaun and Zavier seem like completely different people, then notices the similarities.

"They're oldest and littlest brothers." Talia whispers, smirking because she made it sound a little louder than a whisper so Zavier would hear it. He frowned and rolled his eyes as Soren's jaw-dropped. "Yeah I called you little! They got a middle brother too. Then Zavier's got two kids, the middle brother's got a daughter. Actually, Zavier where's Bo and Rye? Is your older brother still here?"

"Uh maybe we should take introductions a little bit slowly!" Soren tries to say in a calmer tone, but he was obviously worried.

"HEY SOREN! BRIDGETTE! COME MEET MY SIBLINGS!" Ryan yelled from wherever he was in the house. Talia moved them along till they decided to get up and find him. Taking in the appearance of different parts of the House they walked past, like the Kitchen being outwardly decorated by what looked like children's drawings of many animals or symbols and words, and the hallway doors being decorated with different things to their neighbours depending on the inhabitants. They came to the middle hall, and saw Ryan on the closest staircase to the right and in the front of the one behind it. He was waving them up while seeming to hold a bundle in his arms. Soren and Bridgette ascended the stairs quickly, and Bridgette was the first to notice the bundle was a red-haired baby girl.

"This is my baby sister, Fiona. Come inside, this is where I used to sleep with my Big Brother and Sister, we are attempting to wake up Big Sis." Ryan grinned, Fiona seemed to giggle as a response to her brother. Ryan led hs friends inside, and they saw two more red-heads in there, one was out-cold on a bed, the other was standing by the window watching the dragons. He turned to the door when they walked in and said hello. "That's my brother Alex, we call him Alex a lot because he looks so much like dad, and that's my older sister, Vixen. She's the only other sibling of mine who's an animality." Ryan found himself with a pillow in the face from said sister, who decided to get up and yawned before kicking her little brother in annoyance.

"What time is it?" She asks, still tired.

"NOW YOU WAKE UP!" Amelia yells from outside the window. Soren looks out to see her, the rest of the Dragon Riders there including Alex, Felicia, Talia, even Shaun, outside with ALL the dragons... Summer was back inside and presumably with her father.

Where'd Felicia come from? She saw Soren through the window and waved hello before she was tackled and caught by Fireworks. Soren guessed they were playing a game of catch, and by catch, catching the Riders by sitting on them and they'd have to catch them again if they escaped... hence the part where they watched Felicia and Talia used matching tricks to escape the claws of their captors, a.k.a. usually Sky, Duststorm, Sparktail or Stormchaser... every other dragon was TERRIBLE at trying to catch anyone and usually were having a habit of slamming into a dragon who had someone caught. Soren grinned, Vixen gave him a slap on the back and he yelped in surprise and pain.

"Hey genius," she means Alex. "Where's your other half? Ain't he supposed to be here?" She yawns. Soren and Bridgette end up glaring at Ryan, who shrugs innocently.


Maybe we should leave them to it... don't wanna end up being victims in the crossfire now do we? Bridgette links to Soren and Ryan.

So they try to back silently out of the room, when someone suddenly behind them from nowhere. They shriek in surprise.

What's with all the yelling?" The young teenager, about Felicia's age, looks at Soren, Bridgette, and Ryan, and smiles in apology. Vixen just snarled and stormed out of the room. She yells at someone downstairs, presumably a relative. So the teenager decides to introduce herself. "Hey, name's Indigo. What brings you to our 'humble' abode." She says, in a deeply sarcastic and overly bored tone. She immediately struck them as familiar to Shaun.

"YOU KNOW ME INDIGO! GEEZ!" Ryan snaps, obviously annoyed already. Now Soren doubts his suspicions of Ryan not being like his parents... he wasn't, unless he was around family or the people he grew up with... including Indigo.

"It's called sarcasm for a reason furball." Bridgette mouths a silent 'woah'.

"HEY SOREN! BRIDGETTE! RYAN! WHERE THE BLAZING-" the person speaking is interrupted for a brief moment, "WHERE'S LANCE?! AIN'T HE THIS DUSTSTORM DRAGON'S RIDER?! WHERE IS HE!" Soren sprinted for the window, and guessed that Felicia was the one who was asking... as she was being sat on by Duststorm, and presumably wanted to complain to Lance about his dragon.

"I don't know!"



"YOUR THE LEEEEADER AREN'T CHA? KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR TEAAAM! AND GET THIS DRAGON OFF MEEEEE!" she wailed, quite hilariously. Several dragons, including Felicia's own, tried valiantly to knock Duststorm off his 'prize' if they weren't playing catch like the rest... to no avail. "HE'S FREAKING HUUUUUGE!"

"Oh for the love of..."

"SKY! GET YOUR BOYFRIEND OFF OF FELICIA!" Bridgette interrupted, shoving Soren out of view.

"HE AIN'T MY.... AAARGH! WHATEEEVER!" So Bridgette got to watch Sky tackle her 'boyfriend' off Felicia, who yelped in surprise as several people ducked Sky and Duststorm fly over top.

"We should get out there and join in! Don't cha think? YOUAGREENOQUESTIONSASKEDOKAYGREAT!" And so Bridgette drags the two other boys of her team out of the room, past several people, and ran to their dragons.


Lance on the other hand, was busy being sat on... by Stormchaser, who was casually reading a book while she waited. Oh... Stormchaser's tail was covering Lance's entire... whatever she wasn't sitting on... so Felicia nor Duststorm could see him. He could hear the yelling from Felicia, and the running nearby from what (or who) was probably the rest of his team.

Can you please get off me? Stormchaser? Stormchaser snorted, and shook her head. WWWWWWHHHHYYYYYY?!

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