Chapter 15 - Crisis Below and Above

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"WHERE IS TEAM SOREN?!" Marine roared again. The five Riders sat up straight up at the mention of their Team name, the five dragons craned their necks up to see Marine and Windstrike. 

"Marine what's-" Soren couldn't finish, because all of a sudden... Windstrike shot past him and grabbed Ryan.

And soon, not even given the chance to react, Soren was swept off his feet and in the claws of Sage, another Dragon from Alex's Team. The other three showed up and grabbed Lance, Bridgette and Summer. The five dragons wailed in surprise, and took off after them in surprise. Nathan, Kent, Gray, Roxy and their dragons raced after the five dragons... but them and Marine were gone... and Sky, Duststorm, Fireworks, Yin and Sparktail... were separated once again and stranded alone in the Sky City.



"We can't Ryan, I'm sorry! We were given SPECIFIC ORDERS from the Headmaster! We have to GO!" The Sky Dragon wailed, clutching the fox tighter in his grip. Beside him, Inferno was trying to reason with an extremely annoyed and infuriated Summer. "We can't go back..."

"WHY?! WINDSTRIKE EXPLAIN! SAGE! AMBER! INFERNO! SHERIDAN! Someone PLEASE explain!" Ryan yowled, over the high speed winds. He knew each dragon by name. "GUYS!"

"WE TOLD YOU! ORDERS!" Amber scowled, hiss echoing in her voice. "Now shut up till we get there."



"Amber calm down!" Inferno whispered into her ear. He didn't notice Summer and Lance accidentally butt heads when he glided down. "It's scary for them, and we need to remain calm!"

"REMAIN CALM?! YOU HAND OVER OUR RIDERS RIGHT THIS MINUTE YOU LITTLE RATS!" The Elite Dragons whipped heads around, and there's Yin in the lead. Yin, Sky, Duststorm, Sparktail, and Fireworks were charging full speed at them... with Nathan and Kent's Teams right on their tails with them. "HAND THEM BACK OVER NOW!" She roared, rage in the blue depths of her eyes. 

"FLY!" Inferno roared. The group began to get away, as Crescendo let out a battle-cry roar. It was a challenge of dominance and anger. 


'Wait what?! You want us to KIDNAP Team Soren?! But Headmaster WHY?!'

'You must! Windstrike the vision was very CLEAR! I'm against it myself, but we need the Riders. They're the only ones who can help.'

'Separate Riders from their Dragons like this? Headmaster, the dragons would lose all TRUST in us, they'll lose it completely!' 

'I know the risks... it must be done. The Dark Spirit cannot find them... any ONE of them will give it an advantage!'

'What?! Dark Spirit?!'

'Yes. It was supposed to have been sealed by Lance and Bridgette's parents years ago, but it's coming free again, and it WILL escape and try and go after them. We CAN'T let it find them.'

'Can't we just seal it again?'

'No. Unfortunately no one Team in Kelekonia can SEAL the Spirit. It's weakened, so we can destroy it once and for all. We couldn't before because it was too strong and there were those with the power to seal it away... and it cost us nearly dozens of lives in the process. We must prepare a Team to go to the Wastelands NOW and be ready to destroy the Spirit.'

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