Chapter 13 - Uneasy Peace

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The Rebellion and the Avian People had an uneasy agreement to peace with one another, until Headmaster and Commander Skystrike had worked things out with the Avian Monarchs. Till then, Twilight was steadily introduced to Team Soren, thanks to Sky's careful influence and their own steady pace. Fireworks, having been the one attacking Akira, was kept in a security-tight recovery room, while Akira and Sky were kept in the same one... since Akira had regained a degree of consciousness and asked for it. Soren's Class were steadily getting to know, and even, help out some Avians around the Sky City. One thing that got the Class a little more easily through the time spent up here, was the fact some children were the first ones to initially approach them. Adult Avians and the students themselves were careful and uneasy with how they were around the Avian Kids. But like Sky, they became rather friendly and less hesitant when they showed no signs of hostility. Some Avian children, who haven't yet learned to fly, were perching themselves on the tails of the dragons or on their wings... dragons like Duststorm or Orca could fit at least five on their wingspan, and two on their tails. 

Some Avians were fascinated by the flame on Sparktail's... tail! She didn't let them touch it, because it was a real flame, but she let them put their hands or wings near it and feel it's heat. 

Some kids standing near a Fire, Snow, or similar element dragon, could FEEL the heat emanating from their bodies, meaning they felt the friendly warmth of Sparktail or the playful chill of Orca. Sky Dragons were the most common element among the Dragon's in the class, and children liked playing with some of their fallen feathers, or comparing it to one of their own. Dragons always had the bigger ones. They were never out of eye view of an Avian soldier, and they were spread out around the Sky City's Central Square, and all were easy to see.


"He was just emotional because his Rider was kidnapped." 

Sky and Akira were alone in the Recovery Room, free from the eyes of the Avian Healers and Marine and Yin as well. Both were relatively healed, thanks to Avian Medicine and Dragon Magic, and were also quite exhausted. 

"And he cares about Ryan so much. He went too far, but I just wanted to mention it."

"Yeah I guess I understand. I'd be that way if someone were to take Twilight away. She's the only real friend I have..." He had a lonely expression on his face, reflecting memories in his eyes. It reminded Sky of her own lonely childhood... until she met Duststorm and Ember.

"Believe me, I understand how you feel." Akira turned around to meet Sky's apologetic eyes. "I didn't have friends my entire childhood, sure I'm a 13-14 year old dragon... but lonely none the less. I didn't have a friend, a real one, till I'd met Duststorm a few years ago. He was my first friend." Sky said, remembering young Duststorm's face beneath the black armor he once wore. "Friends help you get through tough times, even if you only have the one friend... better than none, right?" 

"Yeah! Your right..." Akira gazes out the window, and his face turns surprised. "Isn't that Duststorm?" and he opens the window and leans out of it. Sky craned her neck above Akira, careful not to strain her injuries, and saw Duststorm soaring mid-air, playing with Avian Kids on his back. 

They were standing up, four in total, and were either on his wings or running up and down between the two brown wings of his. They bounced on his wings when he flapped them, and they gently glided down onto his back and ran to the other wing. They were very careful, and having a lot of fun! Duststorm looked at home with children, dragon or not, and beneath him, in case one slipped, was Marine. Marine also seemed like a motherly dragon, and she too loved playing around with children. 

"They look so happy!" Sky beams, extending a wing to wave to Marine. The Elder Sea Dragon saw her and waved back, merrily. "Definitely. You think we'd get in trouble if we went outside? Even just to sit down." She tapped her chin, thinking. 

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