Chapter 16 - Nostalgia and First Conflict

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Soren and Ryan were in immediate danger ever since they said to their dragon friend who was trying to keep an eye on them, so that meant they were going to be relocated. Sage and Windstrike didn't know where to take them, but they had to move. If Soren and Ryan were correct, then Sky and Fireworks had split up to look for their Riders. Then Windstrike had the BRIGHT idea of going to the Arctic, where Sky and Fireworks shouldn't be able to follow. But Bridgette was being moved there too, as were Lance and Summer being moved from their current locations to a better one. However, most of this chapter for now... isn't ABOUT Team Soren's Riders.


It's about the remaining dragons and the Avians. Yin was automatically named 'Leader' by the other two, Duststorm and Sparktail, and Akira, Oliver, Jewel and Twilight were okay with it too. Yin herself wasn't, but she'd do it. When she returned with Alexander, the other two hugged her tight, and didn't leave her side since. They had no clue of what to do, they were just told to stay in the Base till further notice, not to contact their Riders. They were sitting in their house right now too, the four Avians were as well. Sparktail was watching the Avians, and was giggling everytime they found something so NORMAL to her and the others, but so WEIRD and ODD to them! The saddles were the biggest thing. 

They hadn't put on their saddles when they'd gone searching for Ryan, Sky and the others. They just rushed around trying to help and find them. The saddles were relatively untouched, but you could see words engraved on some of them. But the in general CONCEPT of what they were FOR confused all four Avians, and Oliver got the closest guess at 'It goes on the Dragon... maybe for flight assistance or armour?' which was A LITTLE close. Sparktail didn't exactly want to, but she burst out laughing, making all four jump and whirl around in surprise. 

"Oh my... oh my good- AHAHAHA!" she giggled and laughed, tail flailing underneath her, her wings waving around randomly. "Okay, hehehe... Ollie, your CLOSE. SADDLES are what they're called, and they AREN'T armour at all. They help a new Rider and Dragon when they're in flight, since a beginner may not know how to FLY WITH a Dragon. Soren's a great example, that blue ribbon one is his." she gasps for air, pointing at the saddle with a glossy dark blue ribbon. 

It also had Sky's name written on one end, the front end. It also seemed to have many marks from when he'd tried jumping onto her back. There were small fingernail marks, handprints, and dragon-prints from when Sky or another dragon touched it. There were Sky's reins nearby too, which she usually wore and loved to wear (confusing a lot of people and dragons, but Soren didn't mind or use them at all). The Avians didn't touch anything, Sparktail kept a close eye on them as they looked at all the Dragon Riding gear in the stables... and each stable room was slightly different.

Sky's was littered with blue feathers and scales. There were clawmarks on the walls, her neighbours being Yin and Duststorm, her closest friends. The bedding she'd chosen was hay, like a lot of the others, and it was all a skew, but you could tell from the imprint in the ground and the hay's shape in it's piles where she'd like to sleep. She also had dragon-sized CLOTHES hanging in hers. Dark blue 'socks', and wing bracers, polished and clean.

Yin's wasn't hay, it was feathers and fur, her own, and a hand-woven blanket. Not many dragons liked those, and this one seemed patchy and rugged... possibly someone young made it. Bridgette was in fact the one who did so, when she was a young girl and into arts and crafts. Yin kept adding patches of fabric to the top, and there was paintings on her walls. Small, human-child made scribbles and pictures, on little canvas and MOSTLY on the wooden walls. Trinkets, gizmos, and thingamabobs that little Bridgette must've collected, and a small photos. Her, Bridgette,  Duststorm and Lance were in one. One must've been taken when Yin was a little dragonet, and Bridgette a newborn... revealing the truth behind the mature dragon's age... and it had a woman in it, Bridgette's mother. Another was of Bridgette, must've been recent, because Soren was in it and she was tackling him in a hug. The other three were standing in the background, Ryan seemingly the only one noticing. 

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