Chapter 4 - Initiation Day

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Duststorm opens a dragon-sized door, to reveal a giant house big enough to fit two dragons about Marine's age, and their riders.

"The houses here were built to house dragon's and their riders! Well this one is anyways. Over here is the dragon housing," Duststorm points to the rooms with (obvious) room for dragons, "And above them are the rider's rooms! So the riders and dragon rooms have a skylight that the rider can jump through when opened... and land on the dragon's back! Cool design feature don't you think?" Duststorm explained. The house's other features was a kitchen, the lounge, the attic staircase, and the studies. Lance hopped off of Duststorm, and unclipped his saddle and placed it on the racks designed for holding saddles. Soren did the same, with Sky's reluctant permission, and he realised she was also wearing reins, which he has totally ignored this whole time. Sky scowled at Duststorm's puzzled look, and pulled it off herself and ditched it at the rack, it landed and dangled over her saddle. She grabs Soren, and drops him on a chair, and she sits happily on the dragon seat and drags it over to Soren's chair. Duststorm and Lance hop over to sit on the other two.

"Remember guys, we need to prepare for initiation! We have to get into the Dragon Riders School! Or else the other rider will... well... mock us! Treat us like... like..."

"Lower classed, unworthy riders and dragons?" Suggested Sky, helpfully.

"Yeah! Besides, Marine believes in us and we don't want to disappoint her, right?" Everyone nodded in silent and stunned agreement, then there was a knock on door. Duststorm was the closest, and he opened the door. He backs up, and in comes another Rider and Dragon... possibly a staff member at the school guessed both Soren and Sky. But it wasn't, not just anyone anyways... it was the headmaster!

"Welcome, Dragon of Air: Sky, and Rider of Sky: Soren. I am the Headmaster of the Riders School, and town leader. An honour, I have come meet you both."he introduced himself kindly, his dragon nodded with wisdom twinkling in his eyes.

"One of the scouts saw you four racing each other with blindfolded dragons, were you not?"

"Uh, yes sir!" Soren stammered, Lance nodded.

"It was my Test for Soren, sir! A trust exercise!" Sky explained, worried they'd be in trouble. "Duststorm and Lance were helping out!"

"I see, blindfolded flying is a dangerous extreme for many dragon trust tests... I know none of the students haven't yet done that." Sky and Soren share glances of worry "But you two have, and with a fast and agile Air Dragon at that. A most difficult dragon for a new rider to ride and be tested upon in a trust exercise of that manner.... well done indeed! Will you be attending the School's initiation tomorrow?" Duststorm, Lance, Sky and Soren nod. "Well then I look forward to seeing you there! I also noticed your acquainted with Marine, the School's Sea Dragon Elder? Consider it an sort of honour, she can be quite stubborn with other dragons your age, and riders all the same. Best of luck at initiation."

"We'll see you there, headmaster sir!" Soren said in respectful farewell.

"Welp, now we HAVE to prepare!" Lance gulped, worried.


The sun rose on the day off initiation. The clear blue sky presented the perfect day for it. New riders and their bonded dragons gathered in a huge crowd at the centre of town, Soren, Sky, Lance, and Duststorm among them. Soren noticed some were glancing at and whispering about him, he wasn't surprised... he was by the fact of how fast word he wasn't from this world had spread. He tuned their whispers out as the Headmaster stepped out onto the stage. Everyone in th crowd cheered, and he tapped the podium and the silenced.

"Welcome Rider and Dragons alike, to the Dragon Rider's School Initiation Day!" They all cheered again. "As per every year, new dragons and their rider counterparts, and those who wish to become riders but have not yet found a dragon friend, are tested to see if they are able to attend the school. This year is no exception! First of all shall the Rider ALONE who have not yet attended this school step up upon stage?" Lance and Soren snapped to reality, and walked up the stage with the other new riders. Sky and Duststorm twitched nervously, as they came to stand beside the Schoolmaster.

"Thank you. Now for roll-call, from left to right.

Xavier Mander and his Dragon Caldron.

Warren Talton and his Dragon Logarithm.

Ryan Sullivan and his Dragon Fireworks.

Nicholas Chandler and his Dragon Goldclaw.

Selene Titania and her Dragon Zephyr.

Alya Morris and her Dragon Miranda.

Corona Sanaa and her Dragon Winter.

Sophie Willows and her Dragon Mintbreeze.

Lance Wildclaw and his Dragon Duststorm.

Soren Alexander and his Dragon Sky."

Once he had called out their names, the Headmaster handed them initiation riding gear, which they fitted onto their dragons. They climbed aboard, and awaited the Headmaster's next order. He told them this year's initiation challenge... those who manage to stay atop their dragons through the time Limit wins! Senior students came around and bowed their respects to the initiation students, and the crowd started the countdown to bolt.

"!" They roared! Everyone dashed off, the time limit was one hour, a challenge for the seniors and rookies. They spread around the outside of the town, some tried to blend in with the villagers, others ran off to hide in the areas outside. Soren And Lance took off in separate directions, risking a better chance of them being kept in the game by separating! Oh did I mention that you were not allowed to land? Dragons hovered in place, but their wing beats and the wind generated would give away their location. So soon, Soren was spotted by a senior rider, who was equally matched with Sky in speed as their dragon friend was an Air Dragon too. They tried to lose them in the forest, swiveling around trees, ducking giant vines, but the senior kept in close pursuit! The seniors were allowed to fire blasts at the rookies, but their riding gear was enchanted with a spell that prevented them from being hurt (dragon or rider), but the attac could still knock them overboard. This air dragon was exceptionally good at aiming, several times Soren nearly got sent flying, and several blasted Sky's wings harmlessly. When they thought they'd be caught, Soren whispered to Sky "Let's lose them in the Canyon!" And they shot off towards them! They arrived quickly, but there was a problem... Corona and Winter, and Lance and Duststorm were also here trying to lose their chasers. Sky gasped and dodged a wind blast quickly, by diving. She easily caught up with Lance and Duststorm, Soren waved in warning. Thanks to it, they dodged a stray snow blast from Winter and it hit the rider behind Duststorm.

"Hey! Are we allowed to shoot them?" Soren yelled at Corona and Winter. Winter scowled and attacked Sky and Soren, they shrieked and dove deeper. The. She fired at Duststorm and Lance, they dodged with no problems at all! Senior riders following Sky and Winter fell into formation, one yelled at Soren and Lance 

"Fall behind us in a diamond formation! We'll protect you, we need to subdue the rogue initiation rider! Rollan, telepath to the headmaster! Initiation rider gone rogue!" They yelled. Soren and Lance, and Sky and Duststorm fell behind Rollan and his Dragon Oakwood, and the other senior riders Talia and Stormchaser. Corona howled in excitement, that's when they were ambushed! Dark riders flew from cracks in the canyon, and attacked them! Shrieking, Duststorm and Sky dove past the attackers, protecting their riders, but the seniors were the ones who were having trouble! They were outnumbered, three dark riders against each of them... all had Elder class dragons.

"NOO!" Soren yelled, Sky divebombed two of the riders attacking Rollan, Duststorm lifted a boulder and threw it at one surrounding Talia. Corona and Winter were nowhere to be seen! The Dark Riders whirled on Soren And Sky, And from them, Sky's former rider flew at them... swords swinging. Sky roared in rage, and Soren yelled with her. He stood up on her back, and as she looped over them, he snatched the swords out of his hands. Sitting back down, he tossed the two at Rollan and Talia to use as weapons, then he whirled with Sky to face down the enemy.

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