Chapter 2 - Arriving in Kelekonia

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Sky and Soren were yelling in surprise and fear the whole fall through the portal. When they came out one side, they fell into a tree-filled forest and vines broke their fall. Soren was the first to recover, and he was looking around in amazement. Kelekonia... the Central Jungle was where they had landed in. It was like the rain-forests in the books he read, beautiful and green. 

"Sky! Where ARE we? This place looks amazing!" he says, looking around in concern and relaxing when he saw her right next to him.

"Kelekonia..." she groans, looking a little sick. 

"And so glad you think it's beautiful young man!" a voice unfamiliar to Soren spoke, and then suddenly the vines were shaking and there were more Dragons and PEOPLE on their backs. Dragon Riders! But Sky snarled and tore her away out of the vines as caught Soren as he fell, yelling. "Oh come now Sky!"

"NEVER! BACK OFF YOU MONSTERS!" she roared, shooting as fast as she could through the trees, with Soren in her hands.  He was terrified and slightly enjoying the high speed flight from his vantage point in her talons. They were being chased... and Soren whirled around each time he heard branches splinter and break. It wasn't too long before they were cornered, a dragon in front, behind and on both sides of them. 

"Come now Sky... it isn't polite to call someone a monster." The man on one dragon said, smirking at her. "Now... come-" 

"KEEP YOUR FLITHY STUPID HANDS OFF OF SKY!" And then from above, rained magical attacks and dragon claws. "ATTACK!" 

"RETREAT. We'll get her another time!" The man ordered, almost immediately after dragons came down from the canopy, with more Riders on their backs. They whooped in triumph, and a Dragon and Rider duo approached Sky. 

"New Rider, hey Sky?" The young boy said. He mustn't have been older than Soren himself! "Judging by your expression I'd say no." 

"Yeah and you mustn't have changed a bit since I last saw YOU two, Lance and Duststorm." 


Old friends of Sky's... Soren learned that their name's were Lance and Duststorm when she said them on the spot. Lance was a little obnoxious to listen too, but even his best buddy Duststorm said it was annoying. Duststorm himself seemed like an innocent enough kind of dragon, he was quite passive when it came to talking... and he had a 'moony' look about his eyes when staring at Sky. He probably had a crush on her. 

"Okay my arms are tired!" Sky suddenly said, and Soren shrieked when she threw him into the air and onto her back. Lance was laughing hysterically, while Duststorm was scolding Sky. Though Soren would admit the shriek was hilarious. And Soren was no longer dangling from her hands, and was riding a dragon! As amazing as it was, it was a temporary solution for Sky's tired arms. 


This dragon is officially unpredictable. One moment, he's on her back, the next he's stuck in a tree. What does Sky DO when he's asleep? This flight is taking so long that Sky seems to speed up when Soren sleeps, and acts like nothing happened when he wakes up in a tree. Lance wasn't going to tell him what she was doing... but Duststorm was on the verge of doing so... until Soren decided to FAKE being asleep to see what she does. And she falls for it easily. And she HAS been speeding up since he keeps falling asleep! He bolts upright when Sky starts doing looping curves around trees, VERY fast. Either she doesn't care Soren's awake right now, or she's testing him. Soren's holding on for dear life, while Sky decides to have fun playing around with him. Duststorm and Lance aren't able to keep up with the Sky Dragon, not without Duststorm tiring out and collapsing in exhaustion within a minute. Usually scared of angering the dragon, Soren decided enough was enough and spoke up.

"Alright STOP Sky! We're way ahead of the others, WHERE ARE WE EVEN GOING?!" He yells, stopping short when she suddenly skids to a halt mid-air. "What's wrong?" and he looks forwards. A mountain... why did she stop at a mountain? Or was what was on top... And then Soren sees the dragons. "Oh." 

"YO! YIN! BRIDGETTE! Hello guys!" Lance shouts. Duststorm is flying as fast as his tired wings could carry him, and when he suddenly stops, Lance goes flying off the saddle and over Duststorm's head. Soren yelped in surprise as Sky, Duststorm, nor anyone else goes after him. Annoyed or confused, Soren jumps off after him. Either this boy was stupid or he was absolutely immune to the imminent pain he was about to get... both were. Unfortunately, Soren wasn't able to stop Lance falling... but he was able to cushion his fall to the forest floor... after both got several smacks, whacks, pokes and scratches from branches and twigs. 

"Well that was stupid."


Soren and Lance were surprisingly okay after a 7 metre fall into tree branches... either sheer luck... or something else. The dragons they ran into, almost literally, were on the opposing side to the earlier seen Dark Riders. The Rebellion... and their mountain-top base was amazing! So many races from across Kelekonia were here! Dwarfs, elves, fairies?!, gnomes, and even animalities stood side by side with the humans and dragons! There were many homes here, all of them slightly different be it size or general appearance. There were many businesses here too, blacksmiths, market stalls, farmers, dancers, performers, artists... but all of this was nothing compared to Dragon Rider Academy. 

The School for Dragon Riders, or Dragon Rider Academy, was a massive building. There were young students all over the place, or even older ones teaching or talking to them. There were some airborne towers, attached to the Main Building by rope bridges... or none at all, meaning you had to fly to reach them. There were many classrooms, or lessons going on outside of the building, in the Gardens or Courtyards. And there were many landing platforms, the group landed on one, and were greeted by a Sea Dragon. She seemed friendly... and injured.

"HELLO! Nice to meet you at LAST Sky! Duststorm and Lance have spoken so fondly of you." She said, winking at Soren. "The name's Marine, I'm a Sea Dragon Elder. And a healer. Do not be fazed, these aren't actually injuries, just rags from bandage I recently made. Oh I SHOULD put these away!" she said, fumbling with them. Soren sighed in relief when she said she wasn't actually injured. "So who's the kid?" Soren quickly realized she meant him.

"Who me?!"

"YES you!  Hello! You must be the boy Sky brought with her through the portal!"


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