Meeting a stranger

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School ended and I walked home. I know lame but I had to walk home. I was nearly there when someone ran into me.

"Hey watch where your going idiot!"

The person turned around. It was a guy. He was tall, built, and really good looking.

"I'm sorry I guess I just started day-dreaming." He said and helped me up.

"Thanks!" I said

"No problem I love helping pretty girls out." I blushed."What's your name?"

"It's Demetria."

"I'm Sam." He said "Can I get your number?"

"Ummm... sure I guess." I said as I gave him my number

"I know this is really weird but do you want to meet me at the park tomorrow?"

"Sorry I can't tomorrow, but I can the day after."

"Okay I'll text you the details."

"Okay. Bye Sam"

"Bye Demetria."

I finished walking home and opened my door. Nobody was home, it was sad. I walked over to my piano and played a song.

I found God

On the corner of first and Amistad

Where the West was all but one

All alone

Smoking his last cigarette

I said, "Where you been?"

He said "Ask anything.

Where were you

When everything was falling apart?

All my days

We're spent by the telephone

That never rang

All I needed was a call

That never came

To the corner of first and Amistad

Lost and insecure

You found me,

You found me

Lyin' on the floor



Why'd you have to wait?

Where were you?

Where were you?

Just a little late

You found me

You found me

I finished the song and went to sleep, not caring what tomorrow brought.



To my like six readers at this point I want to say sorry my mom just had surgery and school started and I haven't been able to update but I did today.

The song was You Found Me by The Fray if anyone didn't know after it repeated like six times.

After that I'm gonna go

Stay mysterious

Love ya

-Mystery Author

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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