Part 6

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Zach's POV

I don't think I should completely tell jack what happened at the party just yet. Because he may not have wanted to. I mean he has completely forgotten everything except 6th grade. It's okay he will understand once you tell him. But what if he doesn't. He still likes you dude. Ughhhh this is hard

"Hey zach" jack said . I forgot he was here so I jumped

"Dude you scared me" I said looking At him with my hand over my Heart being dramatic

"Oh oops sorry. I heard you talking to someone so, I decided to come and see what it was." Jack said.

"Oh I was just mumbling stuff to myself." I say

"Oh well I still can't believe we're going to highschool tomorrow." He says setting beside me on the bed

"Yeah me neither. But trust me you'll love hangin out with the guys." I said looking at him in the eye

"Yeah. I think I'm starting to get my memory back already even though it's only been a few hours. I remember Jonah really well. And I remember 7th and 6th grade. Just not 8th grade tho." Jack said. Wait what if he remembers the party tomorrow and hates me.

"Oh that's great. What if I call the boys and see if they wanna stay the night." I ask

"Yeah please do it would help a lot" jack said

The goons

Zach- hey guys you wanna come over for a sleepover.

Corbyn- yeah sure. Will jack be there?

Zach- yeah he's right here next to me.

Daniel- okay that's good I'll be there

Jonah- me too

Jack- don't forget I'm in the gc to dummies

Corbyn- oh yeah hey jack

Jonah- I heard what happened. I'll be over in 5 explain everything

Daniel- ^^

Zach- see you guys here👌🏽

(Convo over)

"So am I gonna have to explain everything again?" Jack asked looking down

"Only if you want too" I say putting my hand on his back

"Okay. I will hopefully they can help me remember 8th grade and the party again" he says looking at me

"Yeah." I say.

After about 8/10 mins all the boys come in.
Hopefully they don't tell him. But I mean he should no. I hope he don't hate me.

"Yo I'm here" corbyn says running upstairs

"Heyyyy jack" Jonah says

"So jack what happened" Daniel Asks setting down in the floor

After he explained what happened there's silence in the room while they take in what he just said.

"Wait your saying you don't remember my part" Jonah says

"Yeah I don't remember I finally remembered 6th and 7th grade just not 8th grade like at all." Jack says

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