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After Christmas-schools back

3rd person

Ever since that night, Zach and jack haven't been talking much. Zach try's to talk to jack but he's still hurt. Both of them are. Zach may not show it as much but inside his heart is aching.

Jack shows it a lot more than he probably should but he can't help it. His heart got broken.

The gang still hangs out with both of them. Nothings different besides Zach and jack not talking to eachother. They gang besides jachary keeps trying to get them to make up but it's not working.

Zach's POV

My heart physically hurts. You may think I'm being dramatic but I'm not. Every not I cry myself to sleep. Ever since Christmas break I have been. I ain't eating as much as I should. It's my second heartbreak, with the same boy. The only difference is I caused it this time. Jack tried to get me to love him and I do I really do I'm just scared. And I pushed him away. I have regretted it since the second I said it.

Jacks POV

I'm mentally and physically broken. I don't know how to live anymore. I don't get sleep. I hardly ever eat. I never really talk to anyone. I always show up to school in joggers and a hoody with my hair a mess and big bags under my eyes. I'm heartbroken. I'm depressed. I have no idea how to carry on. Sometimes i wish I wouldn't. It hurts to much to live. I don't see why I still love the rosey cheeked boy. But I do. And loving him hurts. Sadly he won't love me back.

(Time skip)

I'm walking into school. I get the same stairs everyday. I used to love the stairs because people liked me. I dressed nice and was a happy person. Now the stairs are pitty.

"Hey jack how are you today" corbyn asked me

"Jack you look hungry did u eat breakfast" Jonah asked

"Jack I'm sorry I hope your okay." Christina said

"I got you something to drink if you want it" Tate said

"You ready for class" Daniel asked

"Jack you have to talk to someone. You can't ignore us forever" maddy said

"I agree jack come on" corbyn said

"Please leave me alone right now I don't wanna talk atm I'll see y'all at lunch" I said before going to the bathroom and crying

"I caused this guys I'm so so sorry" Zach said

"Zach it's okay" Jonah said.

"Jack. I'm so sorry please talk to me" zach said outside of the bathroom stall

"Jack please" zach said

"I'm sorry" Zach said

"See how it feels zach. To be ignored when your crying your eyes out trying get someone you love to talk to you. Oh right you don't love me so you don't know how it feels. Your just trying because you are to blame for me wellbeing right now." I said before punching the stall door

Zach's Pov

After what jack said I cried. Then he punched the door and ur scared me. I didn't know he was this bad.

𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now