
490 17 2

1 week later

Zach's POV

So Daniel hasn't been hanging out with us since the breakup. He hasn't even tried to talk to maddy since. It hurts us all to see maddy in the state she's in. It quite sad honestly.

I could never see daniel doing this. Especially to maddy. In the beginning he tried so hard to get her to date him and then does this. I just wanna know what's going on that head of his.

"Zach come on" jack hollered at me form downstairs

"I'm coming hold on jack" I said since he's taking me to school

"Hurrrryyy" Jack said

"I'm coming jesus" I said walking down the stair

"We have to pickup maddy and u where gonna make us late" jack said as we drove down the road

"Okay okay. I'm texting her" I said


Z- hey mads we're coming to ur place

M- okay I'm waiting, ur really slow

Z- oops sorry

M- it's okay luv ya z

Z- luv ya to mads


So we're pulling into maddys and she gets in the backseat. She dresssd rather nicer than she has this past week. She was just wearing joggers and such after the breakup but now she's dressed in a high waisted light-wash jeans, a plain white crop top, and white vans. And she's wearing light makeup too. So I hope she's beginning to be happier.

(Time skip)

So we're pulling into the parking lot. And I look over and there Daniel is trying to run up to maddy. He is not going to ruin her day.

So I grab maddys hand and me her and jack jog into school. We run into our gang and just start talking.

"Hey maddy u look nice today" corbyn says

"Thanks bean. I tried" maddy says

"Love the jeans" Tate says

"The makeup is spot on" Christina says

"Of course you would notice the makeup" jack says and they laugh

"Maddy" Daniel says running up to her

"No Daniel leave her alone" Jonah says

"You've hurt her enough go on" i say

"Leave before you have to catch these hands" Christina says

"I just wanna talk to her" Daniel says

"No daniel. I'm not letting you come back into my life after the pain you caused me. You cheated on me and then admitted it. You broke my heart with out of caring. So please Daniel leave me alone." Maddy says and walks off with Tate and Christina

"Dude you screwed up big time. Maddy was great to you and then you break her heart nice" Jonah says

"Have fun coming back from this one. And to think people thought you was the nice one" jack says

"Why would you do it seriously why? I would never do something like that to Christina so why would you do it to maddy?" Corbyn says

"I didn't mean to. It just happened. I feel bad that I broke her heart. But I like angi. I didn't mean to like angi it just happened" Daniel said

"Dude just stop you're not helping yourself" I say and we all walk away from Daniel

After our classes when it's time for lunch we all just eat and not talk that much. Until jack says something.

"Guys, I don't wanna leave you all" jack says

"What do you mean jack. We're not leaving" Christina says

"Well I'm talking about when we go to college. We're all going to different ones. Or atleast most of us all. I'm gonna miss being able to set here with all of u at this table and just talk. And also be able to just go the park randomly and act like we're 10 again. I'm gonna miss skipping class to go to one of our houses or even just to hang out in the parking lot. I'm gonna miss us just being us." Jack said

"None of us are going to lose contact with eachother when we go to college. I swear if we do I'm killing one of you." Tate says

"Let's make a pact. In about 5 years from now we all have to meet back up at the parking lot we always skip class to go to. The day of our graduation 5 years from now will be the day we meet back up." I say

"Yeah sounds good. Now let's never forget that" Christina says

"Agree" Jonah says

"Alright" maddy says

"I love all of you I don't know what I'll do without you" corbyn says

"Wow corbyn, never thought I'd hear that form you" Jonah days

"Okay enough of the sad stuff. The pact is nice but let's talk about happy stuff" I say

And we start talking about random things. I honestly hope we never forget the pact. I hope that we never lose touch too. I mean me and jack are gonna try and go to NYU together so that's something...right?

This book is coming to and end soon. There will be a few more chapters until the sequel.

𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now